Foreword to: How the Socialist Revolutionaries Cheated The People and What the New Bolshevik Government Has Given the People | 09 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Direct-Line Conversation With Helsingfors | 09 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Conference of Regimental Delegates of the Petrograd Garrison | 09 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Draft Regulations On Workers’ Control | 08 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Second All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies | 07 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Meeting Of The Petrograd Soviet Of Workers' And Soldiers' Deputies | 07 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
To the Citizens of Russia! | 07 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Letter To Central Committee Members | 06 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
To All Party Members And To All The Working Classes Of Russia | 05 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
From The Central Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) | 05 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Reply To Questions From Peasants | 05 November 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Letter to Comrades | 30 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Draft Rules For Office Employees | 30 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 29 (16), 1917 | 29 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 23 (10), 1917 | 23 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Advice of an Onlooker | 21 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
The Tasks Of Our Party in the International | 21 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Letter To The Petrograd City Conference | 20 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
Socialist-Revolutionary Party Cheats The Peasants Once Again | 20 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |
The Crisis Has Matured | 20 October 1917 | V.I. Lenin |