Messages on Ted's death from around the world

More messages have been pouring in from all over the world written by people expressing their condolences after the death of Ted Grant. We have ordered all messages by country.

After we announced the sad death of comrade Ted Grant, we started receiving messages from comrades from all over the world saddened at his departure and remembering different aspects of his contribution to the struggle for genuine Marxism. Here we provide a selection.

From Esteban Volkov, Trotsky's grandson:

Dear comrades,
With great sorrow we learned of the demise of the revolutionary Marxist Ted Grant. A life totally dedicated to the greatest aspiration of the human race: the building of a better world. His admirable life left behind a wealth of experience, knowledge and inspiration for the new generations so that they can carry on the fight for the socialist future of the whole world. It only remains for me to express my deepest admiration for this exemplary revolutionary, to whom we will be paying tribute in Mexico.
Esteban Volkov, Coyoacán, México, D.F..

From Argentina

Ted Grant: Death cannot wipe out his legacy

Many of us learned to admire and love Ted Grant by reading the pages of his theoretical texts, so full of intelligence, erudition and humour, laced with the exquisite irony that comes from an unshakable faith in the socialist future of humanity. Those who knew him in person confirm, again and again, the truth of this: their admiration and love he inspired, which was based not on guesswork but on the practical achievements of his work: solid, rich in content and broad in scope. This is the generous legacy that Ted Grant has bequeathed to us, for which we will always be grateful. Not many comrades possess the strength, wisdom and militancy with which he defended the ideas of Marxism. Ted Grant is an exemplary and militant symbol. His theoretical and practical work must help us to learn to understand more and be taken by surprise less.
Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez

Dear comrades of El Militante (Alan Woods)
With a heavy heart I heard of the passing away of that great revolutionary was, and remains, Ted Grant - that great human being who dedicated his life to the beautiful but difficut task of creating a a new society based upon the
emancipation of humanity.
His book, Reason in Revolt, written together with Alan Woods, is already more than sufficient to justify his role in that long march. His passing away does not mean that we are completely without him: the tools that he forged will
always be at our side as a living testimony of his work.It depends on us whether we ae capable of using whatever elements we can find in that immense revolutionary arsenal and apply them to the appropriate situation.
Our greatest condolence is the knowledge that so many of us are continuing to advance on the same road that he followed: the road that was marked out for us by Marx y Engels: the road that leads to TOTAL FREEDOM onto which many millons will follow us. The day will dawn when many of us, with different faces, hand in hand with Ted, will stand in that new and blissful dawn.
Sergio Domecq

Queridos compañeros : les enviamos nuestras más sentidas condolencias con motivo del fallecimiento del compañero Ted Grant.Apreciamos en alto grado su producción teórica y sus aportes a la teoría del marxismo creador.Destacamos su valoración de todo lo que hubo de positivo en la Unión Soviética,en especial de la superioridad de la propiedad colectiva de los medios de producción y de la planificación económica con respecto a la anarquía del capitalismo.
Creemos firmemente que Ted Grant representa la continuidad de la tradición revolucionaria bolchevique y leninista.Supo mantener bien alta la bandera del socialismo en los tiempos difíciles del auge del neoliberalismo.
Su obra permanecerá vigente como fuente de inspiración para las nuevas generaciones que hoy se acercan a las ideas de confrontación con el regimen social hoy predominante v en la mayoría de los países del mundo.
Un fuerte abrazo.
Socialismo o barbarie.
Mesa Constitutiva del Partido Comunista de los Trabajadores

From Australia

I was saddened to hear of Ted's passing, inevitable but still something of a shock. A nice tribute by Alan, I would have liked to have attended the funeral but will have to settle for being there in spirit. Have fond memories of the old man, and have no doubt the final years of his life would have been lightened by his hearing of the successes of the Tendency.

Best wishes to everyone,
Davie Maclean,

From Austria

I really do not know what to say. We will always commemorate his work and his life. I will never forget the first time he was in Vorarlberg. Despite his age he gave us a remarkable example in terms of political ideas and humour.

Gernot Trausmuth

From Belgium

Cet e-mail pour transmettre mes sincères condoleance a tous nos camarades.  Aujourd'hui j'aurais voulu être un poête, pour trouver les plus beau vers, qui définissent le parcours d'un homme, qui a consacré sa vie à la lutte de classes.  Un TROSQUISTE un vrai, que malheureusement je n'ai pas assez connu dans le déroulement de sa vie.  Mais je l'ai connu a Barcelonne, par ses écrits, ses discours, et les dires des autres camarades. Il a marqué mon esprit, sa simplicité, son analyse du monde et sa juste vue dans la tendance on fait de nous une organisation respectée.  Merçi Ted, la révolution permanente continue.
Fraternellement Miguel.

May I send condolences on the death of Ted Grant, a Marxist, internationalist and revolutionary. He was a great leader whose influence and ideas of Marxism will continue to grow among serious-minded revolutionaries all over the world. 
Vanderbeke Roland,  Executive Member ACOD (Socialist Union public sector workers Belgium) Ostend branch and member of the International Marxist Tendency

From Brazil

Florianapolis, July 23rd, 2006
Dear Alan, Jorge and other comrades of the International Marxist Tendency,

Receive my sincere condolences on the death of Ted Grant. Being a militant from a different origin and tradition, I have only started to know about his contribution to our common cause, that of socialism, in the last few months, in the middle of the Venezuelan revolution, in the factory occupations, through comrades of yours who have sold me his writings. I regret not having met Ted Grant personally. He was without doubt an extraordinary man, a dedicated revolutionary like few. There are very few men who were educated by the October Revolution who managed to go through the political storm which represented the coming to power of nazi-fascism, to go through the midnight of the century which was Stalinism, to go through World War Two and to remain loyal to the working class and its cause. To resist the Pabloite liquidation and to continue the struggle within the working class for the programme of Trotsky, to resist the assimilation and corruption of the big apparatus that control our class, was not and is not an easy or minor task. It is to Ted Grant's credit that he continued this struggle, organising, which is the only way for the working class to conquer emancipation. You are aware that in the last few months I was publicly, and surprisingly, accused by sectarians, in dozens of countries and in several languages, of being a member of the international tendency of Ted Grant, the Militant. Since I never had this honour, and I am not ruled by the wishes of the sectarians, this increased my curiositu and I decided to really know Ted Grant and his work. Though we have different militant traditions, I am certain that we are, nevertheless, in the same class terrain and facing concrete militant problems we seek to resolve them in very similar ways, particularly in the struggle for factory occupations, for their nationalisation, under workers control, its extension and the deepening of the Venezuelan revolution. It is in this field that life flourishes, irrigated by the contributions of those who, like Ted Grant, did not abandon the struggle. Could you please convey my feelings and my solidarity to the family of Ted Grant and to all his comrades.
Serge Goulart

Original text in Portuguese

Caros camaradas,
Recebam minhas sinceras condolências pelo falecimento de Ted Grant. Sendo militante de outra origem e tradição política só comecei a conhecer de fato sua contribuição a nossa causa comum, o socialismo, nos últimos meses, em plena revolução venezuelana, nas ocupações de fábricas, através de seus camaradas que me venderam seus escritos. Lamento não ter conhecido Ted Grant pessoalmente. Foi sem dúvida um homem extraordinário, um revolucionário dedicado como poucos. Poucos homens educados pela Revolução de Outubro conseguiram atravessar a tempestade política que foi a ascensão do nazi-fascismo, atravessar a meia-noite no século que foi o estalinismo, atravessar a 2ª Guerra Mundial e manter-se fiel à classe operária e a sua causa. Resistir à liquidação pablista e continuar o combate na classe operária pelo programa de Trotsky, resistir à assimilação e corrupção pelos grandes aparatos que controlam nossa classe, não foi e não é uma tarefa menor ou fácil. Honra a Ted Grant que prosseguiu este combate, organizando, que é a única forma do proletariado conquistar a emancipação. Vocês sabem que nos últimos meses fui publicamente, surpreendentemente, acusado por sectários, em dezenas de países e em várias línguas, de ser membro da corrente internacional de Ted Grant, o Militant. Como nunca tive esta honra, e não sou governado pelos desejos dos sectários, isto aguçou minha curiosidade e decide conhecer de fato Ted Grant e sua obra. Mesmo com nossas tradições militantes diferentes, tenho certeza de que estamos, entretanto, num mesmo terreno de classe e confrontados a problemas militantes concretos que buscamos resolver de maneira muito semelhante, em especial a luta pelas ocupações de fábricas, sua estatização, o controle operário, sua extensão e o aprofundamento da revolução venezuelana. É neste terreno que a vida floresce irrigada pelas contribuições dos que, como Ted Grant, não abandonaram o combate. Queiram, por favor, transmitir meus sentimentos e minha solidariedade à familia de Ted Grant e a todos seus camaradas.
Serge Goulart

A very sad news the passing of our comrade Ted Grant. His life will be always inspiring and stimulant in the struggle for a communist society.
Revolutionary greetings.
Odon Porto de Almeida

Queridos camaradas:
Quando soube do falecimento do nosso querido mestre e guia Ted Grant, um grande sentimento de perda me dominou. Mas logo pude entender que Ted Grant não arou no mar e as sementes por ele plantadas caíram em solo fértil e vicejam poderosamente antevendo colheita abundante em futuro não tão distante. Sua memória permanecerá nas mentes e corações de todos os que lutam e trabalham pela emancipação da classe trabalhadora.
Fabiano Leite

From Britain

"That every individual must pass away is well known. In the future, human life will be prolonged far beyond its "natural" span; nevertheless the end must come. But what is true for particular men and women is not true of the species. We live on through our children, through the memories of our friends, and through the contribution we make to the good of humanity. This is the only immortality to which we are entitled to aspire. Generations pass away, but are replaced by new generations, which develop and enrich the scope of human activity and knowledge. Humanity can conquer the earth and reach out its hands to the heavens. The real search for immortality is realised in this endless process of human development and perfection, as men and women make themselves anew on a higher basis than before. The highest goal we can set ourselves is thus not to long for an imaginary paradise in the beyond, but to fight to attain the real social conditions for the building of a paradise in this world."

From Reason in Revolt, Alan Woods and Ted Grant

And Engels, in Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy says: "Marx stood higher, saw further, and took a wider and quicker view than all the rest of us. Marx was a genius; we others were at best talented." Which could equally well be said about Ted.
Harry Nielsen

I was so sorry to hear about Ted passing away. I didn't know him well really. Heard him speak plenty in the Militant days, though. And always had a chat with him when our branch did the night-rota at the Hepscott Road centre. The last time I saw him he was selling Socialist Appeal on a London demo against pit-closures back in 1992. He stuck to his guns, no-one can say other than that.
All my best,

This is just to let you know how sad I am about Ted's death. It is difficult for me to put into words the affection, respect and admiration I felt for Ted. I first met him over 40 years ago, he persuaded me to become a Marxist and whenever I wavered Ted was there to put me straight. I was only thinking about him last week and wondering how he was getting - if I weren't an atheist and a materialist I would probably make something out of this.

Although I disagreed with Ted about many things, I agreed with about more. His death is a big blow to the workers' movement. He will be greatly missed. 
Rosa Lichtenstein

Comrades, sorry to hear about the death of Ted, whom I had the pleasure of meeting some years ago. Ted's contribution to socialism in Britain will not be forgotten.
Alister Black,
editor Frontline magazine

I am so sorry to hear of the death of Ted. He has left us with a strong legacy of true scientific Marxism. He will always live on in his writings, which are a priceless sorce of information for future Marxist cadres. It was Ted, while we were guarding the old Militant premises in Hackney at night, that made me truly understand the complexities of Marxist Theory. He would be walking past and hear us discussing an issue and walk in and put a completely new angle on the subject. He was a great teacher and we all are privileged to have known him.

Dear comrades, 
Really shocked by the news. Ted was a giant of our movement and his influence and contribution will probably only be truly understood by future generations.  I recall being educated, inspired and moved by his speeches. There are thousands of trade union activists like me playing a leading role as a direct result of the Marxist movement he built.  Please pass on my personal condolences to his family and comrades.
Brendan Kelly, RMT, Bristol

I was very saddened to hear the news of Ted's death. Often inspired by Ted, sometimes infuriated, I always saw him as a giant of Marxism. My very best wishes to you and all who continue to carry Ted's banner.
Comradely greetings,

I was deeply saddened to hear of the news of the death of Ted. Like a number of people who have sent messages to his website, I am not an active comrade anymore. However, I am sure many thousands will agree that Ted's inspiration, and above all his ability to educate others in Marxist ideas will be one of his lasting legacies.
I understand that Ted was physically quite frail for a few years. However, I knew his mental capacity was so strong that he would never have let this dim his enthusiasm for the cause of socialism.
I joined the Labour Party Young Socialists in 1976 and was part of the generation who were to become the most successful Trotskyist organisation ever - Militant.
I was proud to have met Ted many times over the following ten years, and hear him speak many more times. On a personal level, his sense of humour was always something that could be relied on when you met him or when he spoke to huge gatherings such as the great Militant fringe meetings at the LPYS conferences. I remember many quips and one-liners he came up with when discussing any subject under the sun (he always had an opinion!)
(I am sure many of us from those days have dozens of funny or touching personal anecdotes about Ted, as well as the political ones of course!)
The ability of an old man to hold the attention, and capture the imagination of the most politically aware group of young people in Britain, was a site to behold. The atmosphere in those meetings was always electric. His inspiration led to huge collections for the Militant Fighting Fund there and then, and comrades always felt this meeting, and particularly Ted's contribution was the highlight of the conference.
As a comrade, I was always impressed by his attention to the priority of understanding Marxist theory as the building block for the political education of new, young cadres. His work "Entrism" was the number one on the reading list for new comrades in the late seventies.
I thank him for his political skills, and his contiribution to the defence of the ideas of Marxism, usually in more difficult circumstances than easy ones. In short, I believe that he was one of the greatest inspirations for a better world.
I hope to attend his funeral to say goodbye and thank you Ted Grant - leader of Militant and one of the greatest Marxists of his generation.
Rob Hughes

We were very sorry to hear about Ted's death, but sure in some ways it would have been a relief - he must have been very frustrated about his limitations in the past few years. With the passing years, we admire even more his continued ability to hold firm to his Marxist beliefs and understanding of events, unbowed and unphased by setbacks and successes. Truly a colossus. Although we are no longer actively involved, we are indebted to his contribution to our own understanding of what is going on in the world around us, and the way forward.
Lynne & Bob Faulkes

I just want to say how sorry I was to hear about Ted Grant passing away this morning. I know how close you were to him, and indeed it's a massive loss to all of our movement. His work was a great inspiration to me and crucial in my development as a Marxist, as he was to many other young comrades.
All the best at this difficult time,
In solidarity,
Owen Jones

I have just heard the sad news that Ted has died. Please accept my personal condolences.
Ted Crawford, 
Revolutionary History

Dear Comrades,
Thank you for letting me know about Ted's death. My heart is very heavy. I would be grateful if you would keep me informed as I would like to take part in a commemoration of this great man's life.
With best comradely wishes,
Thank you,
Kenny and Kate

The news that Ted had died reached me yesterday. I first saw Ted speak in 1973 at the annual conference Salford or was it Sheffield. Alan Woods also spoke, he was a young man then. A year or two later I drove Ted to Spain to the founding conference of the Spanish tendency. Ted would't let me see his passport because he wouldn't let on his age. But at customs in France he handed it to me and I saw that his profession was 'Economic Consultant but I never looked at his age.
Travelling with Ted and sleeping in the same bedroom in a Spanish village exposed to me his human side and exposed the hole in his pyjamas.
Ted was always the 'Old Man' to me.
He left his copy of Anti-Duhring (by Engels) in my car - I looked through it and found some comments Ted had written in the margin - "Black Holes will explode".
We watched Dr Who one day and Ted thought that the leader of the Daleks, Davroz, looked like Gerry Healey.
Ted was a nice person, wrote numerous pamphlets e.g. 'Crisis in France' for one, that were just beautiful, he had the ability to cut through to what was important. He taught me that you should ignore the shrill voices of the sects and put forward our programme in a positive, friendly  manner. (No stunts)
I look forward to the socialist transformation of society - proud that I knew Ted as a friend, teacher and revolutinary Marxist. 

Ted stayed at my house in Edinburgh several times in the late 1980s. He was and is an inspiration to us all . He did not live to see the revolution for a socialist transformation of society, but we will!
Long live Ted, long live the revolution!
Richard V

I am very saddened to hear of Ted's death. I met him for the first time in 1967. Even though I was still a teenager I was impressed by his enthusiasm, sincerity and friendliness. For almost twenty years I was enthused by his example to become a keen and active supporter of the Militant. Although I am no longer a Marxist, I learnt from him about the importance of work in the Labour Movement rather than the meaningless, and often reactionary, efforts of the ultra left groups.
I split from Militant about twenty years ago. Nevertheless I will remember Ted for his energy, determination and absolute commitment to the international socialist movement. He was one of the most genuine people that I have known.
Jeff Cuthbert AM (Member of the National Assembly for Wales)

Dear Comrades,
I have just been informed of Ted's death. As an ex-comrade I owe him and the movement of which he was such an outstanding leader so much. I salute his memory.
Alan McGuckin
T&GWU FTO Carlisle

Death of a Revolutionary: Ted Grant (1913-2006)

The last time I saw you
I was twenty five. You were the old coat
at the edge of the demo, saying 'No!';
your plastic bag
still packed with propaganda,
but the world going the other way.

Now, your legendary tea mug
finally stands at ease.
The morning papers come,
but you do not open them.
About the bombs now
demolishing Baalbek and Tyre,
you have nothing to say.

The past is a Northern seaside town in winter;
the cheap hotel, the abandoned pier.
You on a platform jabbing the air,
haranguing the boy I was: "Comrades,
we live in a period of sharp
turns and sudden changes."
My every thought, part
of your master-plan.

The future is the nil-nil draw
between Switzerland and the Ukraine
which rattles away on a distant TV.
I sit by the water
in this town of Sunday painters.
I do not say, as you did:
"We have kept the faith."


It is sad to listen about comrade Ted's physical departure from us. No doubt that his struggle towards socialism and ultimately towards better future of humanity will bear fruit one day. In that sense he will remain there in the our feelings and in the people who will continue his struggle.
His mission will be successful and humanity will develop the level of socialism and Marxism because that is the only way forward.
Shafqat Hussain, UK

Dear comrades,
I was very sad to hear about Ted's death last week. Inevitable as it had to be, as Alan said in his obituary, it seemed as if he would always be there. 
I would very much have liked to be able to attend Ted's funeral, but will be on holiday in France and unable to be there. Please pass on my condolences and best wishes to my old comrades (and especially to Phil Mitchinson, Alan Woods, Ana Munoz, and Rob Sewell). 
I'm a regular visitor to the website, and congratulate you on the excellent work you're doing: a fitting legacy for Ted. 
Jon Rubidge

On Thursday July 20th the call came that we knew would come one day - the old man, Ted Grant, had passed away. We learned so much from him but especially that everything that comes into being eventually passes away. Life is a dialectic. In the realm of the political ideas of Marxism Ted had no equal in the modern era. Erudition seeped from every fibre. Yet depite his vast knowledge and experience Ted was a very modest human being. I first met him in 1965, a year after coming into political activity. I was a raw eighteen year old and when first meeting Ted a little in awe of the great man. In the blink of an eye I was at ease. Ted had time and patience for everyone. Time to sit, to explain, to encourage understanding. This was one of his guiding threads. Patiently explain, time and time again, patiently explain. Don't hector. Don't chide. Don't belittle. Don't mock. Time and time again, explain. Eventually most will understand. This was his geat humanity. Be bold, be audacious, be firm in principle but flexible in tactics. The methods that Ted developed to unify the ideas and methods of Marxism with the working class movement and labour organisations have stood the test of time. We now have new generations who have absorbed these teachings. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. The flesh has gone but the ideas live on. In homage.
Darrall Cozens

Dear Comrades, 
The death of comrade Ted is a huge loss not only for the Marxists, but also for those friends who believe in the highest moral and human values. Ted Grant is one of the greatest Marxists who devoted his live for a noble cause of emancipating humanity from this tyrannous capitalist structure. I think after Lenin and Trotsky we had Ted Grant who devised a path, along with comrade Alan woods, which could lead us effectively to accomplish this lofty mission.
Imran Shahid Bhinder

The news of the death of Ted Grant gave me a jolt. I only met Ted once or twice  and cannot say that I knew the man. But I credit Ted (and the organisation he founded, Militant Tendency) with introducing me to the ideas of Marxism and scientific socialism, ideas which have stayed with me ever since.
I well remember the growing excitement with which I read my first perspectives document back in 1980. The feeling of  the fog of confusion at last being dispelled, of the beginning of understanding, is a memory which will never leave me. For that, and the education I subsequently received in the ranks of the old Militant Tendency, I owe Ted a debt of gratitude.
I went with the majority in the split of ’92. Looks like Ted was right on that too.
Comradely yours,
Nick Worth
West Midlands 

I just got back from a few days away and found an e-mail from an old comrade telling me about Ted's death. I really can't say how sorry I am. I first met Ted when I was a teenager over 40 years ago when I was a CND supporting semi-pacifist. Patiently arguing against my half formed ideas Ted turned me into a Marxist and, despite the fact I am no longer politically active, I still honour the debt I have to Ted. A truly great Marxist and a great man.
Bob Rice

Sorry to hear the news of Ted's death, he was a great inspiration to many. I notice you didn't mention his love of "Mcleod", the American TV series which always amused me!  He'll be sadly missed, keep up the struggle.
Dave Gee

I am very sorry to hear about Ted. I think of him with great affection.
Best wishes,
Mick & Anne Barry

Sorry to hear of Ted's death. He played a very important part in my development as a Marxist.
Paul Nelson

Dear Comrades,
My friend and I went to see Ted four weeks before he died. We made sure we'd read the papers and that we bought a great big bag of fruit from the nearest Tesco's.
As usual the first thing that swam into view when you saw Ted, was a copy of the Financial Times and a pair of legs with the feet crossed.
I've known Ted for 26 years. I remember the fire and brimstones that he could bring down on the heads of the bourgeois and their shadows in the labour movement. I remember him explaining a political point here and a 2 hour lead off somewhere else. I remember him asking me to ring him up in half an hour so he could remember to stop standing on his head. And I'll remember sitting next to him on many an evening in Hackney, watching the Telly and alternating between "Tsk tsk and hear hear".
I'll remember the inspiration I felt as a young socialist and later the realisation that the struggle isn't completed till the end. Until we cleanse the world of all the evil and oppression. Like many others I had a choice to be expelled from the Militant with Ted, or stay behind and join the new mass party. No contest....
More than anything else, I remember Ted as the man who showed me how to learn from the struggle for socialism, what to read, and how to fight. He also showed me how to get a curry in Brick Lane for four quid, but I think that was his own magic, I've never managed it since.
As Ted said... "revolutionaries never retire". And as he has proven beyond any doubt they never ever fade away.
Thank you Ted 
Terry McPartlan

Dear Comrades,
Our condolences to Ted Grant's family, friends and comrades. May his life be an inspiration to generations of revolutionaries to come.
In Solidarity,
Phil Burton-Cartledge
For Stoke Central Socialist Party

The stream may be small but eventually it form into a river, just like Ted Grant's ideology.
Nabeela Khan, UK

Although  I have not been an active comrade for a number of years I was saddened to hear of Ted’s death.
I joined the LPYS in 1974 as a raw 19 year old after the “who rules the country” election campaign. After the euphoria died down it was only Ted Grant and Militant that showed any clear perspectives on events. Ted and his ideas were a huge influence and inspiration to me. He was intelligent, tenacious and patient in his argument, and very down to earth. I once had him as an overnight visitor; my children were fascinated by him and by the bumps and thumps of his late night exercise routine. And he still had time to chat with them the following morning before setting off for the Day School.
Those same children, who have no personal experiences of their own of class struggle, have illusions in reformism; I am still insisting that the ideas of Marxism are the only way forward for the working class. Let us hope that the events in Venezuela bear fruit, especially now that the American capitalist class seem to have turned their attention to the Middle East.
Pam Bromley

From Canada

When I heard of Comrade Ted Grant's passing I was filled with disbelief and sorrow. Though I was not graced with the opportunity to have met Ted, his writings and revolutionary work are an inspiration to me, as they are to many around the world.
To all of Comrade Ted's family and friends I give my sincere condolences. Ted will always live with us in the revolutionary work that he did and what he has helped to build.
Adam Fulsom

It has been more than 50 years since Marxism gave my life some real meaning. In that time I have seen the loss of many and written more than my share of tributes to Comrades who have passed.
Ted Grant certainly numbers among the giants who haved maintained the traditions of Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyist analysis to current world events and pointed the way for eventual and inevitable working class victory.
Those of us who live in parts of the world that are somewhat isolated from the benefits of organized Marxism have come to rely heavily on the In Defence of Marxism e-mails.
Most significant to me was the 9/11 disaster that left many on the left confused and angry. Fortunately, there was Comrade Grant who within twenty four hours had a lengthy perspective that projected the possibility that the U.S. intellegence had been fore-warned and had ignored the threat. As monstrous as that seemed at the time subsequent information confirmed Grant was not only correct but the most clear in his class analysis.
Comrade Grant will be missed but his legacy is the many younger revolutionaries who have had the benefit of learning from his life and experience.
Do not Mourn, Organize!
Harry Paine

From Cuba: 

Original message (in Spanish)
Caramba, lo siento mucho. Tal cual con Pierre , lo pude escuchar por telefono no mas, en casa de Alan, aunque se veia que ya estaba mal. Ofrecele mis condolencias a sus familiares, y sobre todo a vosotros mismos , que forman algo mas importante que lo que pueden lograr los lazos de sangre. Despues de sufrir por el golpe piensen lo siguiente: En definitiva pudo ver antes de morir como el el socialismo toma vigor en el mundo , como renace Leon Trotsky en todas partes, para hacer uso pleno del Siglo de la Revolucion Permanente y como el grupo que el formo se profundiza, se estructura y crece vertiginosamente. Ha muerto un revolucionario feliz...Sin dudas.
Un abrazo a todos ustedes,
Celia Hart

English translation:
Hell, I am so sorry. It is just like what happened with Pierre [Broue]. I was only able to speak to him on the phone from Alan's house, but it was clear even then that he was not well. Please give my condolences to his family and friends, and above all to you yourselves, whose links [with Ted] were much more important than a mere blood relationship. When you have recovered from the shock, think about the following: Before he died, Ted could see how socialism is advancing and becoming ever stronger all over the world, Leon Trotsky is experiencing a rebirth everywhere, making our century into the Century of the Permanent Revolution. He was also able to see how the group that he founded is developing all the time, forming itself and growing at a dizzying rate. A revolutionary has died, but he has died happy... No doubt about it.
I embrace you all,
Celia Hart

Los marxistas debemos estar dolidos con la perdida física de uno de nuestros maestros. Firmes con el legado que nos dejó, asumimos el hecho como parte natural de la existencia. La consecuencia teórica y práctica que heredamos de Ted Grant  jamás sucumbirá; su ideología y programa, hoy más vigentes que nunca para los trabajadores y desposeídos del mundo, será el motor impulsor de la revolución mundial para alcanzar la emancipación de los que sufren los males del capitalismo. A él un, socialismo o muerte. Y un, hasta la victoria siempre.
Mismel León Ferrera

Ya no se encuentra entre nosotros físicamente Ted Grant, uno de los grandes y fundamentales robles de la internacional comunista marxista revolucionaria, unos de los pilares de la historia del partido de la revolución proletaria mundial y que con su gran ejemplo de la practica y la teoría revolucionaria marxista, supo mantener la bandera roja de la cuarta internacional que construyo Trotsky sin apartarse un solo instante de su trayectoria comunista.
Ted Grant ha sido un digno continuador de la esencia básica de la política del materialismo dialéctico, filosófico, económico y social de nuestros grandes maestros: Marx, Engels, Lenin y Trotsky y por eso merece un lugar entre ellos. El proletariado europeo y mundial acaba de perder a uno de los mejores representantes de sus luchas revolucionarias por la transformación del mundo hacia el objetivo más elevado de la humanidad: el comunismo. A través del método más revolucionario que clase alguna haya tenido, que es el procedimiento de la política proletaria y su constante marcha por la abolición del capitalismo.Se ha ido físicamente Ted Grant, pero permanecerá para siempre entre nuestra faena diaria de marxistas revolucionarios; su obra en pro de los oprimidos permanecerá para siempre como la carne y la sangre en el hueso del genero humano.Nosotros los comunitas no solemos decir adiós, te decimos hasta siempre

En nombre de los camaradas cubanos:
Idalberto y León 

From Cyprus

Dear Comrades,
Please accept my condolences from the occupied part of Cyprus. I had the chance to meet and talk with comrade Ted, both in London and here in Cyprus. May he rest in peace.
Dr.Ahmet Djavit An

From Ecuador

Con pesar he leído la noticia sobre la muerte de Ted Grant. Viene a mi mente un pasaje de una canción del cantautor venezolano Alí Primera en el cual decía: los que mueren por la vida, no pueden llamarse muertos. Ted ha desaparecido físicamente, pero sus ideas, enseñanzas y acción revolucionaria permanecen vigentes como una guía para la transformación revolucionaria que tanto necesita la humanidad. Camarada Ted, sabremos ser fieles a tus principios. Hasta la victoria siempre.
El Militante-Ecuador

From Germany 

Dear comrades,
Please accept my sincere condolences on the death of the internationally well-known Ted Grant, whom I met personally in 1997 after I have read a lot of articles and books written by Ted. His creative Marxist thinking will be a heavy loss in the world-wide Marxist community. I will personally never forget the long talk with Ted in London and his books and articles written from his early days in the historical British Trotskyist movement up to his well-written books on the history of British Trotskyism are extremely important not only for historians like me who are interested in the history of the movement. Let me wish you strength and courage for our common ongoing struggle for a better, socially justified and peaceful world based on an social alternative to the rotten capitalist system world-wide.
Günter Wernicke
(a former East German historian from the Humboldt University in Berlin) 

Dear comrades,
the death of Ted has been a very sad surprise for me, as Alan wrote, I also had grown used to the idea he would always be there. I will never forget his keen mind, his confidence in the future of our ideas. My condolence to Ted's family and to all of you.
Margherita, Berlin

From Greece

we were extremely saddened to hear of the death of Ted Grant. We were speechless. We, the comrades of Marxistiki Foni, the Greek supporters of the International Marxist Tendency, have been educated in the fundamental ideas of Marxism and the method passed down to us by Ted. Without his tireless work over decades our tendency would not exist today.
We are determined to build on what he has left us and spread his ideas among the workers and youth of Greece. We will raise in Greece a monument to Ted in the only way he would have wished, by building a living monument in the form of a mass tendency within the Greek labour movement over the coming years.
In comradeship,
Editorial Board of Marxistiki Foni

Dear Comrades,
It is with great sorrow that we learned about the passing of Ted Grant on Thursday the 20th of July. Comrade Ted was a stalwart revolutionary who with the power of Marxist analysis and his uncompromising commitment to the revolutionary working class was an inspiration to every comrade who had the good fortune to meet and discuss with him. Comrade Ted's commitment to the working class movement spans many decades and never wavered from the Marxist perspective. Ted's contribution to Marxist theory and praxis has proved to be invaluable.
Many of his comrades in Greece had the good fortune to meet Ted on many occasions during his visits here, though we all came to know Ted through his many books and articles, which are a great inspiration and practically facilitate the building of our revolutionary workers tendency.
The man may have died but the legacy of his ideas, our inheritance, will live to find its fulfilment in the revolutionary struggles of the international working class onto the final victory over its oppressors, the bourgeoisie and their capitalist system.
Comrades, we mourn the loss of a great revolutionary and comrade but we optimistically look forward to the unfolding of the world revolution. Comrade Ted Grant will be part of this process, his ideas affirmed and forever with us. We will never forget him.
Sosialistiki Ekfrasi

We feel a great sorrow for Ted Grant's death. There is no doubt that Ted was one of the most brilliant minds and one of the greatest teachers of Marxism. In allhis life he was in the first line of the struggles for socialism, under the worst conditions, in very difficult times, in order to build the massrevolutionary Marxist party. Ted's writings are a great contribution to Marxist theory and the best herritage for the new generation. We will never forget that we owe him a lot for our political understanding. We believe that the greatesthonour to his memory is to follow his example and put into practice his ideas, his methods and his attitude of life.
Vasilis - Sofia - Ilias
Athens, Greece

Dear friends of the International Marxist Tendency,
It was with great sorrow that I heard of the death of Ted Grant, the main thinker and outstanding leader of British Trotskyism, on Thursday, 20th July.
Please, give my personal condolences to his family and comrades.
Fraternal regards
Yannis Panagopoulos
President of the Greek General
Confederation of Labour (GSEE)

From Iran

It was with profound sorrow and sadness that we heard the news of Comrade Ted Grant's death. We believe that Comrade Grant made a significant contribution to the understanding of the economic characteristics of the post-World War Two period and the consequences of this relative stabilisation in the capitalist system on the tactics of revolutionary Marxists. For these contributions alone his name and his life's struggles will not fade and his work will remain a part of the theoretical arsenal of revolutionary Marxists for many years.
We hereby would like to extend our condolences to all his family and
Iranian Revolutionary Socialists' League
26 July 2006   

From Ireland

May I send condolences on the death of Ted Grant, Marxist, Internationalist, Revolutionary. An outstanding leader he had a positive influence on Irish republicans in his writings, analyses and speeches. His influence and the ideas of Marxism will continue to grow where ever there are serious minded revolutionaries determined to save the world from the barbarism of Capitalism.
Gerry Ruddy
Ard Comhairle
Irish Republican Socialist Party

It was with great sadness that I heard of the death of Ted Grant, the founder and main thinker of British Trotskyism at the age of 93 on Thursday July 20th. I had come into contact with Ted after discovering the book he wrote with Alan Woods, Reason in Revolt. This defence and explanation of the ideas of Marxism had a profound effect on me as I know it did on many others. Many years earlier in 1966 on the fiftieth anniversary of the Easter Rising an article Ted wrote on James Connolly circulated widely in the labour movement in Ireland. I was fortunate enough to meet Ted on a couple of occassions and recall in particular travelling back from an international conference in Spain with him 3 or 4 years ago. In a conversation with him on the plane he pointed out to me that there is only one majority in Ireland and that is the working class. His faith in the ability of the workers, and only the workers, to free Ireland was clearly expressed in the scorn he poured on the so-called peace process and the Stormont parliament. He predicted at that time that there would inevitably be a sharp polarisation to Sinn Fein and the DUP (the UUP were the biggest party at the time) in the assembly making it unworkable. There could be this or that compromise he said, but no solution is possible on the basis of capitalism. James Connolly, who Ted described as the greatest Marxist to have arisen from the islands of Britain and Ireland, understood this, but those that followed after him had tragically forgotten it with dreadful results. He was a very easy man to talk to and to listen to, he will be greatly missed. He leaves behind a treasure trove of political ideas (at, and which all trade unionists, all workers and youth should study carefully as part of the vital struggle to arm ourselves politically for the battles ahead.
Peter Black 

I was sorry to read about the death of Ted Grant. I first met Ted in 1970 when the Militant, then a small tendency, had offices close to Kings Cross in London. Ted's room was always cluttered with newspapers and clumps of A4 pages - his 'lead-offs' that he invariably curled around his thumb as he spoke.
I joined Militant at that time, and found Ted to be always encouraging to young comrades. I returned to Ireland to help in setting up the Irish section. Ted visited us here on a couple of occasions for the purpose of assisting the growth of the Irish group.
Over the years that have passed since that time there have been many disputes and splits in the Marxist movement, the raison d'etre for some of the new groups being quite unclear. For my part I left Militant in 1989 - at the culmination of a quite nasty campaign that involved some leading comrades whom I had known during my London days (but not Ted). Since then I have largely lost contact with the group of leading comrades that I had got to know quite well during my early political life. I remain a Marxist but have disagreements with many aspects of the work of those groups that have emerged from the nucleus that was based in Kings Cross in 1970, and later in Bethnal Green.
Reading about Ted now I remember him very well, his passionate committment to the fundamental ideas of Marxism that was always evident in his speeches, his anxiety to avoid any errors in formulation, his method of presentation in a 'lead-off'.
Whatever about political disagreements, it is inspiring to hear about a man of 93 that maintained such a committment to building a revolutionary movement, almost to his last breadth. Salud!
Finn Geaney

From Israel

In great grief I heard of the death of comrade Ted Grant. I met him in London a few years ago after he had recovered from a mild stroke. Comrade Roberto Sarti took me to his place and there I met him in his small apartment while Comrade Alan was there as well. He could speak and was in control of his mind but he was able to give only very short replies to the questions I had. Even so comrade Ted Grant had a lot of influence on my thinking. I had many years of experience fighting against the imperialist oppressive system and have considered myself as a Marxist for decades but I knew that I did not have answers to some of the questions that I could not resolve on my own. Ted Grant's writings and teaching have resolved these questions. Was it not for his brilliant mind Marxism today could be a dead dogma until some one like him would have developed. The least we can say is he saved us many years and time is critical in revolutionary politics.
Yossi Schwartz

From Italy

"Si monumentum requiris, circumspice"
In the afternoon I went to Genoa. Exactly five years have passed since the killing of Carlo Giuliani (a young anti-capitalist demonstrator) by the Italian bourgeois state during the protests against the G8 summit. The assassination of this young man was a turning point in the consciousness of a whole generation of Italian left-wing youth.
I and other comrades reached the square where the commemoration was to take place - the same square where Carlo was shot dead. There I met another comrade from the Genoa branch of the International Marxist Tendency, and he gave me the bad news. Comrade Ted Grant was dead.
Of course I expected it to happen sooner or later; the comrade was very old and I remembered how tired he looked the last time I saw him in Barcelona a few years ago. But it is still sad to have his books (Russia: From Revolution to Counter-revolution, The Unbroken Thread, History of British Trotskyism and so on) here, in my room, on the shelf where I keep contemporary Marxist literature. Now, it seems more fitting that they should go on the shelf with the Marxist classics - beside Capital, The Manifesto and State and Revolution.
Ted Grant will be very much remembered in the future. He is already remembered by the supporters and sympathizers of our International Marxist Tendency as one of the great Marxist authors and theoreticians. When Trotsky died, only a very small vanguard celebrated his name together with those of Marx, Engels and Lenin. The man who killed him was rewarded with a medal by the Stalin-led Soviet Union. Today, comrades, look at how, as each day passes, the remnants of the Stalinist tendency in the workers' movement are becoming more and more irrelevant. Ted Grant fought many times against the stream: against reaction and against Stalinism, against the reformists and against the sectarians, against unimaginable difficulties that our Tendency had to face in all these past decades. I'm sure his memory will swim against the stream with the same resoluteness and success in the future - and this is up to us and to the persistent strength of his writings and ideas.
I remember when Ted was in Milan. The imperialist war in Afghanistan had just begun. He spoke very well, and he showed the deepest disgust for that anachronistic parasite, the bourgeois class, and the bloody inferno it creates in a world that unfortunately hasn't yet got rid of its domination. He exhibited an even sharper repugnance against the infamous supporters of this parasite inside the workers' movement, such as the right wing of the British Labour Party. However, he did not display his aversion by the using hysterical insults when talking about them; on the contrary, he seemed to think that such petty madness would be soon remembered only by archaeologists. He seemed to have complete trust in the socialist future of mankind, and his resolve was clearly the result of his firm grasp of Marxism.
A sectarian idiot was present at this public meeting in Milan and attacked him in a most offensive and ridiculous way. Ted Grant replied like this: "This has been a very democratic debate. Everybody has been allowed to give his opinion. Even the man from Mars was here. I will not reply to his slanders. They're just lies." He then continued to speak to the 99% of the audience who laughed after the sentence about the man from Mars was translated. I think this says a lot about the man. He had the most revolutionary ideas, which in normal periods are completely understood only by a minority, but still he liked to appeal either to the widest possible amount of people or to the true militants, those class fighters tightly linked with the whole of the workers' movement and the best layers of the youth. Socialist Appeal, The Militant... not by chance were these the names of the papers of his tendency in Britain and elsewhere.
I only knew Ted in his last years. Many, many comrades knew him infinitely better than I did, but I would like to thank him for his invaluable work, which allowed people like me, 50 or 60 years after the death of Trotsky, from many different countries of the world, to find a way to the true ideas of revolution. Marxism changed my life, I decided, like many others, to devote my time and my hopes to this cause and I never regretted my choice. I never regretted being a "Grantist" - let me use just for once a word he would have never liked us to use.
In the city where Ted spent most of his life leading the Marxist Tendency, London, is St Paul's Cathedral. I don't think he went there very often, but I read somewhere that in St Paul's you can find the tomb of the architect who designed the building, Christopher Wren. On the tomb there's an inscription reading: "Si monumentum requiris, circumspice" - if you seek his monument, look around you. That is what we can say about Ted Grant during any meeting or demonstration of the International Marxist Tendency.
Mauro Vanetti, Pavia, Italy,
July 20th, 2006

From Japan

Dear Alan Woods,
You might remember me. While I was living in UK as a post-graduate student at University of Manchester in the late 1980s, I got involved in some activities of the then Militant tendency in Manchester and in London. I remember Ted quite well, at his middle to late 70s of age, he was always very energetic and enthusiastic. From time to time, I enjoyed a chance to talk to him whenever I visited his office in Hackney. In my memory, Ted was always determined and dedicated 100% of his life to a political cause.
I myself have been living away from politics quite a long time, but when I was in London for my business travel, I found Ted's obituary in the Guardian and knew he's passed away.
Although I'm no longer active in politics (a lot of dissapointment, busy for establishing my own life, etc.), I send my sincere condolences to him. May his soul rest in peace, but I'm sure Ted will be active even in heaven.
Michio ITO

From  Macedonia

Dear Comrades,
I'm sorry to hear that Ted Grant passed away. He was a great man and he will continue to be an inspiration for the younger generations.
Yours comradely,

From New Zealand

It is a sad day.  We too have fond memories of Ted . When he stayed at our house in Carcroft, Yorkshire, and had long discussions into the night on a multitude of subjects. We fed him well too (!) and Ted was quite suprised that our local newsagent stocked the Financial Times!
We last saw Ted in November 05 the day before we left for New Zealand, with Sue & Steve.
He said two's a discussion, 3 a branch!  For his age he was good and if I either of us make it to that age and are as sharp as he was we'd be happy. Glad we saw him that one last time.
The only fitting tribute to the great man is to build the revolutionary party for the tasks ahead
Gary Gabbitas & Allan Peterson
New Zealand

From Nigeria

The death of Grant remains a huge loss to global working class movement. The wealth of his experience, the ever- active writings and the untainted revolutionary record are things we will find very difficult to forget. In short, he put his life to the best possible use by ranging himself against things that diminish man, and participating in everything that enlarges him. The best respect we can pay him is to continue to carry the unstained  banner of struggle for the inevitable enthronment of socialism. We will forever miss him.
Akinkunmi Olawoyin

From Pakistan

I have received an sms of Comrade Jannat from Karachi  in which he informed me about the shocking news of the death of comrade Ted. Comrade Ted is not more with us but his ideas, tactics, strategy for bringing the socialist revolution in the world is in our hands and minds. The comrades of the International Marxist Tendency will struggle for the socialist revolution in the world and for the genuine Marxist ideology, Ted's courage, spirit and commitment with the socialist revolution will be a source of  inspiration for the comrades of our International, especially for those comrades who are working in complicated conditions in different corners of the world, especially in Pakistan. Comrades, we can present a tribute to comrade Ted by working hard for the spreading of Marxist ideology in the masses and moving forward for the socialist revolution for which comrade Ted has been struggling till his last breath. Long Live Socialist Revolution.
Riaz Hussain Lund, Advocate
Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign (PTUDC) 

Dear comrades,
I am deeply sadened to know about comrade Ted's death. I wish I was in Europe and could have attended the last ceremonies of the great man. My thoughts goes to all comrades and family.
Amir Niazi
Rawal Pindi - Pakistan

We are very much sorrowed to hear about the death of Comrade Ted Grant, in London on 20th July 2006. Comrade Ted Grant who worked restlessly throughout his whole life for the Marxist ideology. Marxists of the world have gotten a big loss, so in this contest all the Comrades have recalled the international condolence massage toward all the Marxists of the world. Right today we promise to push forward Comrade Ted Grant's message of Socialism, to bring it all over the world.
All Comrades of Hyderabad Sindh, Pakistan. 

Dear Comrades!
Today we had a meeting in Abbotabad and we got to know that Comrade Ted is no longer with us. It is so shocking. Firstly we were so pathetic and then we started discussion about his organisational and political work.  The only way that we can pay any kind of tribute to him is to build a real Marxist-Leninist International on the basis of the ideology which we learn from his writings. Let us bring a socialist revolution on this globe, for which Ted worked throughout his life. That is our promise. Long live socialist revolution, from Abotabad, Pakistan. 
Comrade Raja Lateef, Saira, Huma, Ashfaq, Iram, Mehwish, Qazi Zahir 

Dear Comrades
It is really shocking news when we heard this and we are in profound grief. We all believed that Comrade Ted Grant made a significant contribution. He took up the flag when Trotskyism was supposed to be a counter-revolutionary theory and he persistently proved that it is the true Marxism. Now he is not with us but his political work is here for us. We pledge that we will take this flag and made true his dream.
Comrades of Pindi Area Area Secretary, Yasir Khaliq

Dear comrades,
We have received the sad news about our great comrade Ted Grant. Our branch summoned an emergency condolence meeting in the chair of comrade Anwar Panhwar. We paid great tribute to our late comrade Ted Grant and remained two minutes silent for the honour of our great comrade.
The Class Struggle branch Dadu district Sindh, Pakistan

Dear Comrades,
The death of our beloved comrade and a great Marxist Ted Grant is indeed a loss of the greatest magnitude.We shall follow his legacy of constant struggle and firm commitment and carry on the fight till a socialist victory.
Farhad Kayani 

Great persons never die, Ted Grant offered his services for the revival of Marxism and giving real Marxist dimensions and promotion of Lenin's and Trotsky's thoughts scientifically for a socialist world. He could never be forgotten. A real tribute to Ted Grant would be to promote his thoughts and change the world through socialist revolution. 

The sad news of the death of Comerade Ted Grant again reminds me my start age of revolutionary work. When I first time saw the picture of Comerade Ted and asked from a senior comrade "Who is Ted Grant?" He said "He is the unbroken thread". Surely he is!

As dialectical materailism makes us understand that every personality is a creation of objective conditions of society, but its hard to find any person in the history who gave the documented shape of his role in society.While he was alone like Trotsky. Many celebrities do talk orally about their role that this thing they have to do in history to move furthur. But Ted in my knowledge was only personality who not only documented his role but also took resposibility after Trotsky for defence of marxism. People do fear that if they write about their role, history may ask from them. Ted had this courage because of his belief in marxism and historical struggle of working class. Ted not only stood practicaly before every assault on marxism but also took brave organizational decisions for making CMI an International Marxist Tendency.
We won't mourn because hollow minded people do this when they lose something. As we are just to lose chains and have a great long time work of Comrade Ted documented in our hands. And we know well that people who believe in historical materialism dont mourn they just sad for while and make their saddness not their weakness but their power. Power to fight more and more for their cause.
We comerades of the Pakistani section with wet eyes give red salute to this great revolutionary. And promise with ourselves that we shall make this world as his eyes always longed to see. More precisely we shall move the history and its never impossible!!! History taught us that!!!
Sherry Shamsi

Please accept our heartest condolence for sad demice of great Marxist leader Ted Grant. This loss of all Trade union workers, followers of marxism all over the world. Really he was the great progressive writter and author.
Shaikh Majeed
Genral Secretary
Peoples Labour Bureau Karachi, Pakistan

Dear comrades,
We have received the news of the death of our great comrade Ted Grant. Our branch summoned an emergency condolence meeting where we paid great tribute to our late comrade. We also held a two-minute silence in honour of our great comrade. In the name of the following comrades we send our condolences:
Amin jamali, Ghulam Rasool Soomro, Khalid Jamali, Wahab Memeon, Sadam Hussain, Raja Hisbani, Asad Soomro, Rameez Misrani, Haneef Misrani, Morial Panhwar, Nabi Bux Samo, Uris Soomro, Noor Mohammad Soomro, Ziaudin Zounr

Dear Comrades,
All the comrades of the Pakistani section are deeply grieved at the passing of Comrade Ted Grant. The news was received with great shock and sadness by all the regions and areas of the Pakistan section. In Rawalpindi/Islamabad comrades were informed during a branch meeting and all comrades paid their respects by observing a two-minute silence in memory of Comrade Ted Grant. Numerous telephone calls, SMS text messages and e-mails are still floating around the office in Lahore. Comrades living in remote regions such as Sindh, Balochistan, NWFP and Kashmir have sent their condolences. Members of the Central Committee and other comrades working in the central office are also are deeply grieved and have pledged their loyalty to the victory of the socialist revolution.
Lal Khan, Manzoor Ahmed, Ilyas, Hina Zain, Yasar Irshad, Abid Hussain, Wasif, Adam Pal, Tariq Rasheed, Sajad Mehdi, Yassar Khaliq, Kabeer Khan, Irshad, Ali Mussarat, Shahid Mahmood, Huma Zain, Parvez Malik, Anwar Zeb, Aziz ur Rehman, Kareem, Sajid Naeem, Haleem Sajid, Shjaat Kazmi, Adil Khan, Saeed, Nazar Mengal, Hameed Khan, Ali Mardan, Nadar Afaq, Jannat Hussain, Imran, Jay Parkash, Hareesh, Beenish, Anwar Panhwar, Rana Qamar uz Zaman, Haider Chughtai, Abdul Rauf Lund, Asad Patafi, Shehryar, Saqlain Shah, Sadaf Zahra, Rang Elahi, Sumera,Saeeda

Dear comrades,
The notable columnist/playwright Munno Bhai and poet Javed Shaheen visited the central office in Lahore to convey their condolences to comrade Ted Grant on 20 July. Zulfiqar Gondal, Member of the National Assembly who is currently visiting Britain also rang up the offcie and paid his respects to Comrade Ted Grant. All the regions and areas of the Marxist Tendency in Pakistan will be conducting memorial services throughout many cities across Pakistan in this week.
Saqlain Shah/ Adam Pal

Dear Comrades
Ted Grant has physically departed, but he will kep on living with us through body of his work and ideas. The best ever tribute to that great revolutionary is to keep on waging relentless struggle untill we throw capitalism into the dustbin of history, to which it justifiably belongs.
Saeed Qazi

Dear comrades,
We send our condolences upon hearing the news of the passing of Comrade Ted Grant, who was great philosopher and Marxist. We salute Comrade Ted Grant, who during a very difficult period kept the traditions of Marxism alive. We, the comrades of Badin district branch in the Sindh province of Pakistan, promise that we will spread the ideas of comrade Ted Grant and fight for the socialist transformation of Pakistan and the world.
Comrades of the Badin district branch in the Sindh.

No amount of words will ever be adequate enough to condole the death of comrade Ted Grant. Grant's life was a continuous struggle for the cause of the proletariat. He always argued that it was the goal of the proletariat itself to replace the capitalist system with socialism, change the social relationships of the class system and then develop a future communist society in which "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all."
Atiq ur Rehman,
Chief Organizer, JKNAP,
Tariq W. Yar,
President, Liberation Front,
Karachi Branch, Pakistan

From Portugal

I was reading through the wikipedia when I found out about Ted Grant's death. Needless to say it is a tremendous loss to the workers' movement. But his life of virtue and total dedication to socialism will prevail in our memories. As a poet (Camões) of my land once wrote it, Ted is among "aqueles que por feitos valorosos da lei da morte se vão libertando" - those who by valuable effort, liberate themselves from the laws of death. Socialism has lost a fighter, but hundreds, thousands, millions will rise in the near future and take the struggle forward.
Até sempre, camarada.
Rui Faustino

Dear Comrades,
From Portugal I remember the days of portuguese revolution when I heard for the first time the name and the writings of comrade Ted Grant!
Ted Grant has been a great socialist and gave great contributes to revolutionary Marxism.
All the solidarity with In Defence of Marxism!

From Romania

Dear comrades I am near you in the loss of our comrade Ted Grant. Surely his name will remain in the history of workers' movement. Let us be dign of his name.
Yours in solidarity,
Gheorghita Zbaganu

Dear friends,
Please, receive my condolences for the death of Ted Grant. I read the books and papers of this great revolutionary and I consider them as very important for the history of the working class movement in the 20th century. The ideas and debates sustained by Ted Grant have to be rememorized by the young generation. The most profound proof of the appreciation of all the great forerunners is to continue to think in a Marxist critical manner and to contribute to the class conscience and organisation of the world proletarians. As Ted Grant's entire life, the common effort of the present Marxists is put under the imperative of responsibility. And now, after 16 years European Stalinism felt down, we have to better understand the past in order to better act for the future. Stalinism failed, and not the values of social equality, integrative planning, dignity for all, abolition of exploitation and domination. Ted Grant's bright belief in the Communist ideal and movement warms up all of us. It is wonderful to share this belief.
Ana Bazac,

From Spain

Ted Grant has died - The best way to pay tribute: build the forces of revolutionary Marxism

Yesterday, the 20th July comrade Ted Grant passed away. According to the information we have received from the comrades in London, the cause of death was probably a stroke or a heart attack that occurred suddenly. Ted did not suffer.
The death of comrade Ted represents a tremendous loss for the Marxists of Spain and the whole world. Ted was a giant, an incorruptible revolutionary who dedicated all his life to the cause of the proletariat, the world socialist revolution, and the building of the forces that would make this possible.
All the comrades of El Militante share the pain felt by all our comrades in the International Marxist Tendency. We are well aware of the enormous contribution of comrade Ted Grant, which have added to the theoretical arsenal of Marxism at every decisive turn in the situation. He was the genuine heir to the theoretical and practical work of that great martyr of the world proletariat, Leon Trotsky. Like his great teacher, Ted Grant educated a new generation of revolutionaries in the ideas of Marxism in the face of every kind of adversity.
His theoretical profundity was the most important weapon in the struggle against revisionist tendencies in the Trotskyist movement after the Second World War. His tenacity was the fruti of his confidence in the revolutionary capacity of the workers. Ted managed to regroup the forces that were later to form the International Marxist Tendency, to which El Militante belongs. Without his tremendous contribution it would never have been possible for us to have achieved the great successes we have at the present time.
Many of us knew Ted and had the great privilege of working with him and, above all, of learning from him. His courage, his knowledge of Marxist theory, the audacity he displayed in every situation, even the most difficult ones, and finally his marvellous sense of humour, were an extraordinary school of education for a whole generation of revolutionaries.
All the grief we feel today for the death of Ted Grant must be transformed into determination to redouble our efforts and our commitment to the building of the World party of the Revolution. WE know that the best way to pay tribute to Ted is to continue his work with all our strength, because his dedication a la cause of the liberation of the working class is alive in every one of us.
Ted Grant is dead, but his ideas are alive in the hearts and minds of every conscious worker and youth in the world. We will continue his life's work in the only way that is worthy of him: Building for the victory of the world socialist revolution!
The Editorial Board of El Militante (Spain)

Dear comrades,
It was a great shock for us to receive the news of comrade Ted Grant's death on August 20, 2006 aged 93. Dispite his age and his recent health problems, we thought that Ted would remain with us at least for another decade as nothing seemed to be able to defeat this man, not even old age! We never had the chance to meet comrade Ted in person but, in a certain way, we got to know him rather well through his writings. His excellent book on Russia and the ones he wrote together with Alan Woods on the truth about the relationship between Lenin and Trotsky, their book about Marxist philosophy and modern science for instance were very helpful to us in order to understand matters as the raise and fall of Stalinism or the relevance of Marxism today. We even dare to state, and of course it is a personal opinion, that Ted Grant's death is the most important loss to Trotskyism since the assassination of Trotsky himself back in 1940 and we say that bearing in mind the importance of his work since the days of the WIL and the RCP till very recently.
Further contributions to Marxist analysis on Ted's account will be deeply missed.
We want to express our most sincere condolences to his close friends and to all the comrades worldwide.
Long live the International Marxist Tendency.
Patrick Vandeweyer Florent
Eva Galindo Peralta
Miembros del Consejo Político Local de Izquierda Unida Manilva - Málaga, militantes de la Agrupación Local del Partido Comunista de Andalucía (Spain).

Mis condolencias y mi pesar  por la muerte del camarada Ted. Cuando me he enterado de su muerte, sentía una enorme tristeza y entonces ví la firma de el en mi libro Rusia de la revolución a la contrarrevolución.Con ese libro aprendí que otro mundo es posible;
el del socialismo donde tengamos una vida digna de ser vivida y no de autentica barbarie que tenemos y es por lo que Ted lucho. El mejor homenaje que le podemos hacer es lograr el socialismo en el mundo porque como decía Ted fuera del movimiento obrero no hay nada de nada.
Jon Agorreta, Basque Country

Spanish original:
Me acaban de notificar la muerte del "abuelo". Se nos va un camarada, se va una gran persona. Aun recuerdo el debate que tuve hace años una noche en Barcelona. Despertaba comprensión y una gran lucidez.  Pero ante todo despedía un aliento revolucionario todavía a los 90 años. Nos queda su memoria, su luz. Nunca olvidaré la primera vez que leí su contestación en 1946 a P. Frank (artículo traducido en mi web), qué  pena no haberlo leido hace treinta años... ¡Que su Teoría y su Práctica revolucionaria sea la guía para la INTERNACIONAL! Viva el Trotskismo... y como dijo Trotsky cuando conoció el asesinato de su hijo Sedov: ¡la vida es bella!
Saludos Revolucionarios,
Javier Mendez-Vigo, Fernando Preciado

English translation:
They have just told me of the death of the "old man". We have lost a comrade. We have lost a great man. I can still remember the debate we had some years ago in Barcelona one evening. He [Ted] displayed a great level of understanding and lucidity. But above all, at the age of 90, he displayed a great revolutionary spirit. We still have his memory to illuminate us. I will never forget the first time I read his 1946 reply to P[ierre] Frank (you will find this article translated on my web page). What a pity I did not read this thirty years ago! May his revolutionary Theory and Practice be a guide for the INTERNATIONAL! Long live Trotskyism!
Revolucionary Greetings,
Javier Mendez-Vigo, Fernando Preciado

Quisiera saludaros con motivo del fallecimiento del compañero Ted Grant, triste acontecimiento del que acabo de enterarme. Envío mis saludos solidarios a todos los compañeros de la Corriente Marxista Internacional en este difícil momento.
Gabriel Artigue

Estimados compañeros:
La muerte de Ted, tras una larga vida dedicada a la lucha por el socialismo y a la defensa de las ideas del marxismo que abrazó en su Sudáfrica natal antes siquiera de ser mayor de edad, supone una pérdida importante para cuantos tuvimos el honor y el privilegio de compartir con él años de militancia política. En cierto sentido, nos hemos quedado huérfanos.
En el grupo de Navarra, los más veteranos todavía nos acordamos de las primeras reuniones que mantuvimos con él en 1976, en medio de una situación prerrevolucionaria, y su insistencia en que nos orientáramos a las organizaciones de masas de la clase obrera como forma de conseguir que las genuinas ideas y programa del marxismo revolucionario consiguieran un eco, primero, entre los elementos más conscientes y, posteriormente, en sectores más amplios de los trabajadores.
Una tendencia política así forjada, firme en la defensa de los principios, flexible en la forma de argumentarlos, podría aprovecharse de las inevitables crisis que se sucederían para jugar un papel decisivo en la transformación de las organizaciones obreras de masas, cuyas direcciones no cuestionan el sistema capitalista, y de la sociedad.
Discutir con él, aunque fuera en ocasiones agrio, era una fuente de inspiración, como lo era ese espíritu optimista y combativo que le caracterizó. Las duras experiencias orgánicas que vivió a lo largo de su prolongada actividad no mermaron ni un ápice su confianza en las ideas del marxismo, en la capacidad de la clase obrera de cambiar la sociedad y en la necesidad histórica que para el propio futuro de la humanidad supone la superación del capitalismo y la construcción del socialismo a nivel internacional.
En los últimos años, nuestros caminos se separaron, pero en ningún momento disminuyó el respeto político que teníamos hacia Ted. Además, los que más le tratamos en lo personal, echaremos también en falta su carácter en ocasiones endiablado, pero siempre entrañable.
Él ya no está y es a nuestra generación y a las que le sigan a quien corresponde la tarea de culminar la lucha a la que dedicó su vida. Eso es lo que él querría que hiciéramos y el bagaje ideológico que deja será muy valioso para ello.
Sirvan estas breves líneas de expresión de nuestro sentimiento.
Pamplona, 20 de julio de 2006
El grupo de Navarra,

El camarada Ted Grant nos ha inspirado a lo largo de toda nuestra vida política. El ha representado durante una larga etapa histórica el hilo conductor del genuino bolchevismo. Con él aprendimos las mejores tradiciones del marxismo revolucionario, el ambiente de camaradería, la sencillez a la hora de expresar ideas tremendamente complejas y la sencillez personal. La amabilidad extrema y un método exquisito junto a una firmeza inquebrantable en la defensa de las genuinas ideas del trotskismo que hizo a la burguesía británica temblar. Ted siempre animaba a los camaradas, consideraba su deber felicitar personalmente todas aquellas intervenciones que destacasen de alguna manera y ayudasen a la claridad política y al avance del movimiento. Sus contribuiciones políticas son ampliamente reconocidas en estos momentos. Este gigante ha dejado su semilla esparcida por todo el planeta. En cuanto se acercó a internet y vió sus posibilidades dijo que la burguesía se arrepentiría de este instrumento de comunicación maravilloso. Era un hombre excepcional, uno de esos hombres que han escaseado en la historia y que han hecho posible con su contribución logros gigantescos para el género humano. Ted dedicó su vida a construir un partido revolucionario, no uno cualquiera sino la Corriente Marxista Internacional. Hoy, incluso muchos de sus enemigos se inclinan con respeto. Para Ted el hombre es la obra y su obra fue la internacional. Sin organización somos carne de explotación, unidos, organizados y con las ideas y los métodos que Ted nos transmitió lo somos todo, uniéndonos a la CMI crearemos el instrumento que liberará a la humanidad de la barbarie que la amenaza, del capitalismo que condena a la guerra, la violencia, el hambre, la explotación y el sufrimiento al grueso del género humano. Ted era un hombre con una gran clarividencia que provenía de un amplio conocimiento de la teoría y el método marxista y explicó el carácter de la nueva época que tenemos por delante, una época de revolución y contrarrevolución donde tendremos no una sino muchas oportunidades de dirigir a la clase trabajadora a la toma del poder. Como Ted decía al finalizar cada discurso, un solo país que lleve adelante el socialismo con auténtica democracia obrera se extenderá a los demás países como un reguero de pólvora, nada podrá frenar la revolución socialista a escala mundial, un país, uno solo provocaría un efecto descomunal. Puede ser Venezuela, México, Bolivia y muchos más. En cualquier caso está en nuestras manos luchar por la obra de Ted construyendo la Corriente Marxista Internacional, fortaleciéndola y convirtiéndola en la dirección que la clase obrera necesita para transformar la sociedad.
Eloy Val del Olmo

El hilo conductor de las ideas del marxismo

El fallecimiento de Ted ha encogido nuestro corazón. Sabemos, por que el propio Ted nos lo enseño, que la obra de los hombres no perece, que se trasmite a lo lago del tiempo y que cualquier conquista de la humanidad queda registrada como un poderoso jalón que empuja hacia adelante. Ted Grant estaba hecho de la pasta que nutre la sal de la tierra. De aquellos revolucionarios inquebrantables capaces de superar cualquier dificultad, contagiando su optimismo a todos los que tenía cerca de él. Ted era un genio teórico, el auténtico continuador del hilo histórico del marxismo revolucionario. Y, por supuesto, un auténtico maestro, exigente en sus enseñanzas, pero siempre accesible con cualquier militante, joven o trabajador. Siempre dispuesto a aprender, siempre dispuesto a escuchar y ajeno a cualquier afectación de grandeza o de culto a su persona.
Ted nos ha enseñado a mantener nuestra confianza en la clase obrera, en su voluntad de lucha y en su capacidad revolucionaria para realizar las mayores hazañas. También aprendimos de Ted a combatir el escepticismo y la desmoralización que cundió entre miles de dirigentes y cuadros de la izquierda tras la caída del estalinismo, incluso entre algunos a los que el formó políticamente. Y este combate lo llevamos a cabo defendiendo la teoría marxista que Ted desarrolló durante más de seis décadas, demostrando que el socialismo científico es un programa revolucionario y un método capaz de interpretar las contradicciones de la sociedad en todos sus terrenos. La obra de Ted Grant fue, es y será una guía para la acción revolucionaria, un tesoro del arsenal del marxismo, que emplearemos desarrollando lo que fue la obra de toda su vida: La Corriente Marxista Internacional.
Ted ha muerto, pero todos los que luchamos por el socialismo conservamos una parte de él en nuestra voluntad y en nuestro compromiso militante con la causa de los trabajadores.
Juan Ignacio Ramos y Bárbara Areal

Queridos compañeros:
Enterados de la muerte de Ted Grant, queremos haceros llegar nuestro enorme sentimiento de pérdida. A todos aquellos que tuvimos el privilegio de compartir con él la lucha por las ideas del marxismo, nos dejó marcados no sólo su aportación teórica, sino al menos al mismo nivel, su espíritu de lucha, su confianza sin límites en el futuro socialista de la humanidad y su enorme capacidad para animar en los momentos más difíciles.
Ahora se cumplen treinta años de la formación del grupo marxista en el Estado español que forjamos en los complejos momentos de la Transición. Podemos arrepentirnos de muchas de cosas, cambiaríamos otras, pero volveríamos a hacer lo que hicimos en aquellos años: poner toda nuestra energía en el intento de elevar la bandera de la revolución socialista y convertir el marxismo en una fuerza de masas.
Las aportaciones de Ted, su idea de cómo llevar las ideas del marxismo a los cuadros del movimiento obrero, su perspectiva de nuevas crisis capitalistas en la época del auge, y quizá por encima de todo, su comprensión de los procesos de la revolución colonial, quedarán para generaciones de marxistas como una aportación decisiva.
Cualquier diferencia que pudo surgir en su última época, parece ahora minúscula en el contexto de su vida y su lucha, que tuvimos el honor de compartir durante un buen trecho, y bajo cuya inspiración seguiremos luchando por las mismas ideas.
Vuestros y de la causa obrera.
El Comité de Redacción de Nuevo Claridad, en nombre de todos sus colaboradores.

From  Sri Lanka

To All Comrades of the International Marxist Tendency
All the Sri Lankan Comrades are in deep sorrow on hearing of the death of Comrade Ted Grant. We salute Comrade Ted and his vision, ideas and methods for building a revolutionary movement. Comrade Ted has personally been involved in building the Marxist Movement in Sri Lanka. During his visits here, he earned the disapproval of the Sri Lankan capitalist class and had his visa cancelled while attending one of the Marxist Discussions. Thereafter, he was refused permission to enter Sri Lanka. This is just one example of Comrade Ted Grant's personal involvement in building the Marxist Movement in this country. However, it serves to denote the committment and involvement he brought to his work and vision - that of building a Revolutionary Marxist Movement. Comrade Ted Grant's death is a great loss to the entire World Revolutionary Movement. However, in the revolutionary spirit that he inspired in us, we are determined to build the Revolutionary Marxist Movement in Sri Lanka against all odds. We will join hands with other South Asian comrades, and comrades all over the world in bringing about the Socialist Revolution. We are organising a memorial meeting next week in honour of this great revolutionary and comrade.
The Sri Lankan Comrades and the Pakistani Comrades currently living in Sri Lanka.

From  Sweden

I met Ted for the first time 1984, so I remained for him "the new young one from Sweden" for 22 years. After the split in the movement in 1991-92, Ted came to Sweden to help organize our work. He stayed at my place and was very easy to deal with as long as he had his fruit, dark bread and water. I remember one evening we had nothing to do, so we watched TV. The first programme was a comeback show with Garry Glitter (!). I think we laughed for an hour straight.
In 1998 he wrote a dedication in my copy of Reason in Revolt, "I hope this book
is an inspiration for you". It was. He was.
Patrik Olofsson

I was very sad to hear about the death of comrade Ted. I listened to Ted at the first time in 1976 at the Militant readers meeting that took place during the LPYS national conference. Since then I have met him many times.
The political outlook and method that Ted stood for has been a guideline for me ever since. That is to make a deep and sober analyse of the the development and to build the tendency on the basis of that.
An international is first of all theory, perspective and policy as Ted said many times.
The split with the Taaffites came because this political way of leading the tendency was lost.
Ted´s death is a great loss for the marxist tendency and for marxism in general. The best way to honour Ted is to study his works even more and strenghten our efforts to win new people to marxism and build a stronger marxist tendency.
Martin Oscarsson

From Turkey

Dear Comrades,
We have just learnt the news about Ted's death. We are deeply sorry and share this grief with all comrades. For the last time we embrace Ted who has stood firm over a long life in the struggle for the emancipation of the working class. We have a saying in Turkey for beloved people who served a significant life from the standpoint of humanity: "Trees die upright!"
Despite the physical exhaustion of a great life full of struggle, Ted Grant, with his heart full of faith and brain dedicated to socialist struggle, was a colossal plane tree until last minute, which mixed itself with the green of life. Now that colossal plane tree passed away. But we believe this plane tree will yield many young shoots and many young people who take inspiration from his revolutionary fervour will continue to march along his road of dedicated struggle.
What happiness for Ted for he took his place among those revolutionary leaders who deserved to be remembered with love and respect after their lives as well as throughout their lives. Comrades, all revolutionary people like Ted who succeeded in saying "farewell" to this world while keeping their heads straight will be welcome with a big "salute" by young generations who are able to get enthusiastic with the fire of revolutionary struggle. Every comrade, who quests for the truths with the aim of bringing the struggle for socialism forward and who is ready to make every sacrifice to this end, will take as example the decent story of life of revolutionary founders like Ted.
Dear comrade Ted! You spent so many years in class struggle without bowing down before the enemy and without selling out his cause for cheap personal interests. With love and respect we bow down before your revolutionary faith, revolutionary persistence and young heart which refused to get old. You big plane tree, you will keep sinking roots in many struggles on! Farewell!
Marksist Tutum

Dear comrades,
I express my condolences for Ted. He will never be forgotten by the world working class. I am very sad and I can't express my feelings. Our loss is a great gap. But I know from his point of view we will progress and progress until we reach the highest civilisation as Marx showed us.
Furthermore I want to tell you that the website of has published a special page for him today. I have got three articles about Ted and his books. Could you please look at this website. is the political organ of the Turkish left wing Party of ODP.
All the best comrades,
Ulus Irkad 

From the United States

I want to express my sadness at the passing of Ted Grant. Added to the recent deaths of Pierre Broue and Livio Maitan, Ted's departure breaks the last direct human link (to my knowledge) to the generation of original Trotskyists. His work continues with the WIL tendency and also in his own writings. I just placed an order for Ted's book on Russia. Perhaps, ironically, with his passing Ted Grant will now begin to receive the respect and recognition he has been long denied.
Bob Montgomery

Dear comrades,
I just received the news from London that comrade Ted has died of a sudden collapse of some sort. He had recently turned 93 years old and was by all accounts in fine health. Last time I saw him (in January) he was sharp, alert, and healthy.
Comrades, we have lost a tremendous comrade and a living link to the history of revolutionary Marxism. Ted was a member of Trotsky's Left Opposition and met Leon Sedov (Trotsky's son) in France to discuss the work on his way to England from South Africa. He was a lifelong and tireless defender of the basic principles of Marxism and maintained his "sense of humour and proportion" until the end (two things he always said revolutionaries must have). He deepened and developed the ideas of Trotsky especially on the question of the colonial revolution and proletarian Bonapartism, two questions which are vital for our work today, due to the belated nature of the socialist revolution in the advanced capitalist countries.
He had an encyclopaedic knowledge and sharp memory of the past - even when in his old age he started to forget little things like where he had put his watch. But just ask him a question about such and such an event on such and such a date, and he could give a precise and detailed summary and analysis - after all, he was actually there for essentially the entire history of Trotskyism - over 70 years. His writings are a wealth of theory, especially his writings of the post-war period, many of them collected in the book The Unbroken Thread. Last year we began layout and design for a series of booklets on his writings, but have not gotten them printed yet. We shall do so in the near future.
He was active and worked at the offices of until very recently (three years ago or so), always surrounded by piles of well-read Financial Times and lots of fruit. He was strong as an ox even in his late 80s and cared for his health meticulously, with exercise and lots of fruit as part of his daily routine. After all, he wanted to live to see the revolution and did everything he could to make sure he did. On the streets of London, he would stop and greet every child he passed on the street, as he saw them as the future of humanity. He was patient and meticulous when discussing theoretical questions, and equally devastating with opponents, with a no-nonsense attitude that always cut right to the heart of the matter.
I had the great pleasure and honour of having spent a lot of time with Ted in my months living in London, going for a curry near the Bethnal Green tube stop and then to the pub for more discussions (he'd have an orange juice, I'd usually have a pint of Guinness), which we'd then continue on the tube or the bus. In particular we discussed dialectics and the book Reason in Revolt, as well as the theory of the state, the situation in the US, the Russian Revolution, Stalinism, Trotsky, and more. The last time we met before I moved back to the US to start the work of spreading the genuine ideas of Marxism in this country, he put his hand on my shoulder and told me: "you have the weight of the world on your shoulders." I have always carried with me this sense of great responsibility, as Ted did not say anything lightly or simply to flatter or impress someone. He understood the key role the US would play in the world revolution, and the difficulties we would face in establishing a base for the ideas of Marxism here. The last time I spoke with him (in January) and gave a report on the US, he was very pleased with how the work was coming along, and his advice to us was simply to "keep doing what you're doing".
This, comrades, is precisely what we must do - keep learning, defending, and spreading the ideas of revolutionary Marxism and keep strengthening our ties with the working class. The greatest "monument" we can build for comrade Ted is a mighty US Marxist movement and a mighty International Marxist Tendency, and end this system of misery, death and exploitation once and for all.
Best comradely regards to all,
John Peterson, Workers' International League USA

I would like to send my condolences to the Grant family. I have greatly appreciated all that he has had to say over the years. He introduced me to Trotskyism through this website, and the book Reason in Revolt.
I will miss hearing what he had to tell.
Eli Hartman

Dear Comrades,
With deep solidarity I send my condolences on the death of Ted Grant. As a thinker, activist, organizer, and a towering figure in Marxist thought, Grant was able to connect with workers throughout the world with powerful writings and ideas.  With a life-long dedication towards the struggle against capitalist domination, Grant was and still is an example of a dedicated revolutionary. When I was only sixteen years old and just beginning my studies in Marxist thought, I was drawn towards the clear and pronounced works of Ted Grant.  When I journeyed to London in 2000 and met with him in person, I was astounded by the knowledge and passion that he possessed. It only further inspired me to return to the United States and participate in the struggle.  His knowledge inspired me, as it did the thousands who read his works.  His dedication, spirit, and compassion for the workers are aspects most admired in revolutionaries. Though we have seen the passing of a true and incredible mind, we know that his life's work is an awesome contribution to the benefit of mankind.   He carried the banner of Marxism that was not defiled by the movements of the twentieth century, and kept it pure and evolved it.   With young comrades in small and large cities throughout the United States I sat and studied his writings and, they gave us clear and vivid pictures of the heritage of the worker struggle.
Ted Grant’s life gave us an example that a revolutionary must abide by principles and ideas that are humane and grounded in reality.  His work spanned decades, his battle continues to this day.  With honor and with dedication we continue his battle and struggle, just as he continued the struggle of those before him.  In many ways Grant was the unbroken thread of true Marxist thought and action, and this thread must never be broken. Grant left us at a time when Marxism and the socialist struggle was again awaking and raging in the hearts and minds of workers throughout the world.  Today there is a stronger sense of solidarity, and Grant played a fundamental role in the socialist radicalization of the workers conscience.
As Marxists we have a tendency forget the individual at times, we focus on the most urgent and necessary of ideas and actions – I pause for a moment with great respect to a man who saved Marxism from the poisoned claws of capitalist propaganda.  The battle was difficult, and it will remain so. All struggles are hard, and we shall continue the path to liberate the workers of the world.   With my deepest solidarity I celebrate the life of Ted Grant.
Warmest Regards and Condolences,
Alexander Malina, USA, Social Nerve

News arrived quickly this morning that the historic British Marxist Ted Grant has passed away. The news is sad, even if somewhat expected given Teds recent health problems and his age. Nevertheless, another of that great generation of Trotskyists has passed from the scene, Trotskyists who were the contemporary of Leon Trotsky and other founders of the Fourth International. Ted shared with others of his generation that great gift of oratory AND educational plain speaking that helped the rest of us understand the sometimes complex world of Marxism. It was that combination of agitation and propaganda that made Ted out to be a great teacher and he will be missed because of it.
We at the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-line will work with his comrades at and to get Ted's writings an even wider viewing...
Our hearts go out to his family and comrades...
David Walters
Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-line
Marxists Internet Archive

I'm very sorry to hear of Ted's death. While it's hard to imagine a longer and richer life in the struggle for a better world, this is still sad news. Only two days ago I was looking at Ted's works on the Soviet Union in my effort to understand what's happening in Russia today, and I know I and many others in various strands of the Trotskyist tradition will continue to turn to his works for information and enlightenment.
In solidarity,
Andy Pollack

From Venezuela 

Ayer murió, a los 93 años, el marxista, luchador incansable por la causa de la clase obrera y defensor del marxismo, Ted Grant. Todo los revolucionarios honrados y consecuentes y el proletariado de todo el mundo sentirán la partida de este excelente transformador social. Hoy mas vigente que nunca: ¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
Luis Torres

Estimados Camaradas
Por una Internacional Marxista Revolucionaria
En un espacio de la Revolución Socialista:
Apenas en el día de hoy nos hemos enterado de la noticia de la partida del camarada Ted Grant hacia el espacio de la siembra definitiva de sus restos mortales.
Que los mismos sirvan de abono al planeta que lo vio nacer, así como sus ideas han servido para el florecimiento y alimento de miles de revolucionarios, en ese mismo pedazo de tierra, parte del universo, parte del futuro que labramos hoy en las idas y venidas de la lucha de clases, como parte de la clase obrera, fuera de la cual no hay futuro, para ninguno de nosotros, ni de nadie.
Ojalá y pronto logremos materializar un proceso revolucionario, que sirva de puente entre la barbarie y el paraíso terrenal que los trabajadores tenemos que construir de manera consciente, así como él sirvió de puente entre la generación de los revolucionarios de octubre del 17 y la nuestra.
El se entrega a la tierra lleno de esperanzas firmes en el futuro de la humanidad, pero también consciente de lo difícil de la tarea que tenemos en frente, por los lados... por arriba y abajo.
Ojalá que su humor, el que cuentan siempre lo acompañó aún en los momentos más difíciles, sea parte de nosotros, sobre todo transformado en la misma fe de que el futuro de la humanidad en este planeta y en el universo está en la sociedad comunista.
Por los caminos de la revolución, construyendo el partido marxista revolucionario de la clase obrera:
Por la Corriente de El Topo Obrero:
Andrés Santiago A., dirigente sindical; Rosa L., dirigente sindical; Miguel S, dirigente vecinal; José A., dirigente sindical; Ali M., dirigente sindical; Osmary E., dirigente sindical; Carlos El Rojo, dirigente estudiantil; Seni, dirigente vecinal; Pedro A., dirigente sindical; Andreína, estudiante; Guillermo, dirigente estudiantil; A. Paradas, dirigente sindical; Lino G., dirigente sindical; Jesús P., dirigente sindical; Andrés, dirigente sindical; Carlos, dirigente vecinal; Edu, trabajador; Edgar, estudiante; Bernardo, dirigente sindical; Br, dirigente estudiantil; Juan F., dirigente estudiantil; Pedro F., dirigente estudiantil; hwernan, estudiante.

"Los que mueren por la vida no pueden llamarse muertos" dijo una vez el cantor de pueblo venezolano Ali Primera. Ted Grant sin duda un gran revolucionario siempre tan gigante en la teoria y en el papel de la construccion de la herramienta necesaria para llevar a la clase obrera junto con el resto de las masas oprimidas y explotadas al poder y la construcion del socialismo. Como unica salida al capitalismo. Hablo simplemente como cualquier joven proletario de los muchos que hay en este mundo  y que compartimos los mismos caminos de lucha. Ciertamente hacer la revolucion no es nada facil pero tambien es lo mas bello y hermoso que existe la lucha por una nueva sociedad mas justa, sin explotacion ni opresion. Como Dijo Ali primera : "Una nueva sociedad sin colegios privados, sin haciendas, sin patron"
 Esto debe servir como motivacion para seguir construyendo los caminos por donde pase el hombre libre. No hay que llorar hay que construir, no hay que llorar hay que luchar, que sirva el aporte de ted grant como ejemplo de lucha revolcionaria!!!!
 ¡Viva la lucha de los explotados y oprimidos porque ellos cambiaran al mundo!
 ¡Viva La Internacional!
 ¡Viva Ted Grant!
Jose Antonio Hernandez