Subscribe to the journal of the US Marxists!

This Fall we are launching a subscription campaign for Socialist Appeal [US]. As we have grown and expanded our work around the country, the quality of our writing and production has improved as well. From the #BlackLivesMatter movement to the crisis in the Middle East; from the convulsions of the EU to the state of the US labor movement; from historical analysis to key aspects of Marxist theory, we aim to provide the most insightful analysis of US and world events. And we hope to broaden the scope of our work through this year’s subscription campaign by drawing in more readers like yourself.

We receive no support from big business. We are funded solely by contributions from supporters and readers like you. The economic crisis has taken a bite out of everyone’s budget but the need for a consistent Marxist analysis and participation in the political and economic struggles of the working class has never been greater. If you would like to support the work of the International Marxist Tendency and the struggle for socialism, please consider taking out a 7-issue subscription to Socialist Appeal for a yourself and/or a friend.

Regular price is just $20 per year. Solidarity price is $25 per year. International subscriptions are $30. Or get a digital subscription and have a PDF version emailed to you as soon as we go to press for just $10 per year.

You can also consider joining us as a monthly dues-paying sympathizer member! As a regular dues-paying sympathizer member, you would receive a complimentary subscription of Socialist Appeal.

For a limited time, you or the person receiving the subscription will receive a free copy of Leon Trotsky's outstanding pamphlet "If America Should Go Communist." Do your part to make Trotsky's perspective for an America and world based on peace, prosperity, and plenty for all come true!