Solidarity with Sanitarios Maracay still needed

FRETECO and the workers at Sanitarios Maracay thank everybody for the international solidarity they have received so far. The response has been tremendous and has played a role in getting the workers released. However, we have to keep the pressure on to make sure the regional governor, Didalco Bolivar, resigns. Everybody responsible for the repression should be held accountable!

FRETECO and the workers at Sanitarios Maracay thank everybody for the international solidarity they have received so far. The response has been tremendous and has played a role in getting the workers released. However, we have to keep the pressure on to make sure the regional governor, Didalco Bolivar, resigns. Everybody responsible for the repression should be held accountable! Sanitarios Maracay should be nationalised under workers' ccontrol.

Please send politely worded messages of protest to

Ministry of Labour:
Attorney General of the Republic:
Fax of the Ministry of the President: 00 58 212263817
Faxes of the Ministry of Labour: 00 58 2124084250 y 00 58 2124084246
copies and solidarity messages to : and

(a Spanish model letter can be found here)

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