
At half past eight this morning (March 30) terrorists used machine guns and grenades to launch a savage attack on a police training academy in Manawan, on the outskirts of Lahore. Our correspondent explains the real material interests that lie behind these attacks, interests that are expressed in divisions within the state at all levels.

The PPP government in Pakistan has just announced a programme of sweeping privatisation, involving 22 publicly owned companies and services, together with other anti-working class policies. The PTUDC met in Multan, raising the need to unite the workers against these attacks.

This article by the Action Committee of the Dismissed Workers at Unilever in Pakistan, written by its President Muhammad Azeem and Secretary General Jehanzaib Khan), gives an account of the ongoing protests to get the sacked workers reinstated.

We reported the other day about the dramatic events at the Badin Army Sugar Mills. Workers protesting for their rights were fired at, many being injured and having to receive hospital treatment. They need the solidarity of workers around the world. Please send emails now.

Workers struggling for the right to have a union at the Army Welfare Sugar Mills in Badin in Pakistan, after getting a court decision that reinstated their union, were met by armed goons hired by the bosses, some of them receiving serious injuries and being hospitalised.

The myth encouraged by the mainstream media is that the Islamic fundamentalist forces operating on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan are enemies of "western culture". This interesting article from Pakistan highlights the fact that these forces are not in contradiction with capitalism, but are seen as a useful tool in combating any genuine struggle of the oppressed and downtrodden masses.

The Unemployed Youth Movement (BNT) of Sindh, in Pakistan, recently held a meeting to elect and present its Executive leading body, highlighting the plight of unemployed youth in the country.

The PTUDC in Karachi met recently, electing an executive body with representatives in key industries and workplaces, and also passed a resolution. We also provide photos of the event

Under the title "Left awaits return of the 1968-69 ‘revolution'" the Dawn newspaper in Pakistan published this review. Although it questions the optimism of both Lal Khan and Alan Woods and their confidence that a new 1968-69 is being prepared in Pakistan, the author does give an honest appraisal of the content of the book.

On Saturday, November 29, 2008 a huge procession of the Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation (JKNSF) marched from Committee Square to the Rawalpindi Press Club, at the historic Liaquat Bagh, where a large public meeting was held, in which over 4,000 students from all over the country attended.

This year November 7, "Bolshevik Day", was celebrated the length and breadth of Pakistan with protests, demonstrations, rallies and seminars promoted by the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign, PTUDC, together with other political and trade union bodies. The rallies also centred on a campaign against the privatisation of the Qadirpur Gas field and also against steep price increases and growing unemployment.

Pakistan is facing an acute crisis. In this situation the PPP leadership is under pressure to carry out the brutal dictates of imperialism, pushing millions deeper into misery. A radical mood is developing in this situation and the Marxists can emerge as a strong tendency on the basis of this situation.

Yesterday we received the sad news of the death of comrade Javed Shaheen, who passed away peacefully in his sleep. Javed was a very famous poet and one of the pioneers of Progressive writers' association of Pakistan. He was also an enthusiastic supporter of the International Marxist Tendency. We publish here an obituary by Alan Woods.