Pakistan: War against privatisation intensifies

The PPP government in Pakistan has just announced a programme of sweeping privatisation, involving 22 publicly owned companies and services, together with other anti-working class policies. The PTUDC met in Multan, raising the need to unite the workers against these attacks.

In its latest attack on the workers, Zardari’s government has announced the privatisation of 22 public institutions which include key departments like the Railways, Post Office, Utility Stores, Printing Corporation of Pakistan, Power & Energy sectors and others. Hundreds of thousands of employees working in these departments are to be sacked and the most tyrannous laws will be employed to curb any form of resistance against these privatisations. All this will not only increase unemployment but hundreds of thousands of families will lose their bread and butter and will be forced into poverty and misery.

Along with this, the already shabby infrastructure will further deteriorate and the masses will be pushed into terrible conditions. Already the privatisation of the telecom and power sectors in Karachi (KESC) has led to frequent power outages and a deterioration in services. With the entry of private investors in the power generation sector, the whole of the country lived without electricity for most of last year and no respite is in sight this year.

A new Industrial relations Ordinance is also being prepared by the current government to curb the workers’ rights. This new Ordinance will be many times more brutal than Musharraf’s IRO 2002.

In this situation the PTUDC has declared war against this programme of privatisation and is organizing meetings with the workers and unions of departments which are being privatised. The PTUDC will hold protests, agitations, pickets, strikes and other activities to mobilize and unite the workers against this brutal economic policy.

The comrades of the PTUDC in Multan held a press conference on February 24 to condemn this privatisation and to send a message of solidarity to the workers. Press Conferences in other cities will also be held along with other agitational activities. Below is the statement issued during the press conference.

We the members and workers of the PTUDC want to draw your attention towards the latest announcement of the PPP government in which 22 national public sector institutions are going to be privatised.

Among these are:

  1. WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority)
  2. Pakistan Post
  3. Pakistan Railways
  4. Utility Stores Corporation and stores
  5. Printing Corporation of Pakistan
  6. Kot Addu Power Co.
  7. Printing Corporation of Pakistan
  8. Pakistan Machine Tool Factory Karachi
  9. Heavy Electrical Complex Taxila
  10. SME Bank
  11. Jamshoro Power Co.
  12. State Life insurance Corporation
  13. Motels and Restaurants of Pakistan Tourism Development Co.
  14. Sindh Engineering
  15. Pakistan Engineering Co. Lahore (PECO)
  16. National Insurance Company
  17. Pakistan Reinsurance Company
  18. Services International Hotel
  19. Republic Motors Ltd.
  20. Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation
  21. National Power Construction Company
  22. Morafco Industries

The workers of these institutions have started protest and agitation against these brutal policies at the dictates of the IMF and World Bank. The PTUDC has arranged and organized a meeting with workers’ unions in concerned institutions. Workers warmly welcomed this step and joined in big numbers. It was unanimously decided to make an effort to unite workers of all departments on one platform against these anti-worker attacks by the present government. We are very clear that only a united struggle can win their rightful demands. We appeal to all workers and unions to unite to fight until the victory of the workers is achieved. We will continue our struggle until the end. Workers here are already facing worsening living conditions and the neo-liberal policies of this puppet regime will render them even harsher.

We demand:

  1. End privatisation of all 22 institutions and stop implementing the policies of the IMF and World Bank,
  2. All privatised institutions must be re-nationalized and placed under democratic control of the workers,
  3. Minimum wage should be Rs.15000 per month linked to the price of 10 grams of gold,
  4. All anti-labour laws to be abolished including the Law on Forced Sacking 2000,
  5. Prices of flour, cooking oil and other food items to be drastically reduced,
  6. Contract labour and daily wage labour should be abolished immediately and all workers should be made permanent.

We declare our unity and solidarity with the workers and we appeal to all workerss unions to unite in this struggle.

"Workers of the World Unite"

Tahir Khakwani (Income Tax) President PTUDC South Punjab,
Jaam Sajaad (PTCL NCPG) General Secretary PTUDC South Punjab,
Khalid Umar (PTCL NCPG) Information Secretary PTUDC South Punjab,
Khalid Majeed (Pakistan Post)
Anjum Saeed Qureshi (Pakistan Railways),
Faizaan Qureshi (Pakistan railways),
Ishfaq Raajput (Sui Northern Gas),
Taariq Chaodhri (WAPDA),
Khaalid Muneer (Utility Stores Corporation),
Abdul Rehman (Utility Stores Corporation),
Nadeem Paasha Advocate (PTUDC),
Anam Rab (PTUDC).



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