1917 Leon Trotsky

Title Created Date Author
Speech At A Meeting Of The Central Committee Of The R.S.D.L.P.(B.) December 24 (11), 1917 24 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Report On The Economic Condition Of Petrograd Workers And The Tasks Of The Working Class 17 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Manifesto To The Ukrainian People 16 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Speech Delivered At The Second All-Russia Congress Of Soviets Of Peasants’ Deputies 15 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
For Bread And Peace 14 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Conversion of Munition Works to Economically Useful Work 12 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Liability for Unfounded Accusations 12 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Demonstration Slogans 11 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Draft Resolution On The Provisional Bureau Of The Bolshevik Group In The Constituent Assembly 11 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Theses On The Constituent Assembly 11 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Outline of a Programme of Economic Measures 10 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Question of Following a Socialist Policy in the Economic Field 10 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Material On The Agrarian Question (Foreword) 10 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Outline Programme For Peace Negotiations 10 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
On Fighting Counter-Revolutionaries and Saboteurs 07 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Draft Of A Manifesto To The Peasantry 06 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Speech At The First All-Russia Congress Of The Navy 05 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
Report on the Right of Recall at a Meeting of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee 04 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Question of the War Ministry 02 December 1917 V.I. Lenin
10 Days That Shook the World 01 December 1917 John Reed