International Marxist Tendency

To find out more about the history of the IMT, visit the section on our history.

The year 2022 has been a year in which much of the inflammable material in world politics – accumulating and smouldering over decades – has burst into flames. War, hunger, mass displacement and spiralling prices torment humanity. Meanwhile, we have seen industrial unrest, revolutions, and accompanying them, coups, counter-revolutions and repression. But to recall a folk expression: “The fire that bends the iron, tempers the steel.”

The world is in a period of deep crisis. Capitalism and its apologists have proven unable to explain or resolve the problems facing the working class everywhere. Only the ideas of Marxism offer an explanation and a way out. It is for this reason that we are proud to announce the launch of the International Marxist University 2022, a four-day online event organised by the International Marxist Tendency, dedicated to discussing the core ideas of Marxist theory and how we can use them to change the world.

We are happy to announce that The Spark, the Taiwanese supporters of the International Marxist Tendency, have launched their own printed publication, New Youth. This is a big step forward for the forces of Marxism in the country and will help our ideas find a whole new audience.

The first casualty of war is truth. This is also the case of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Marxists need to be able to cut through the fog of lies and war propaganda and analyse the real reasons behind the conflict; what has caused it; and the real interests that lie behind the excuses and justifications of the different parties involved. Above all, we must do so from the point of view of the interests of the world working class.

This weekend saw the twelfth edition of the Montreal Marxist Winter School. For the second year in a row, this must-attend event for North American Marxists had to be held online. Despite the more impersonal nature of the Zoom meetings, the tremendous enthusiasm of the participants was palpable.

The following is the founding editorial of The Struggle, a Myanmar-based, Marxist militant publication in solidarity with the International Marxist Tendency. In the brutally difficult conditions in the country, a team of Marxist revolutionaries still managed to produce a PDF magazine, which they are distributing through their Facebook page “Revolutionary Marxism” (which as of now has over 7,100 likes). Please contact that page if you would like a copy of The Struggle. The English translation below is slightly edited from the Burmese original, clarifying a few points for


Turning off a little street in the heart of the historic centre of Naples, you will find a sign: Sinistra classe rivoluzione, sezione Hans – GerdÖfinger (“Left-wing class and revolution, Hans-Gerd Öfinger branch”). On 6 October, a rainy afternoon that announced the beginning of autumn, the sign was unveiled to an audience of around 70 people. Gathered together, they bore witness to a new beginning.

We are very proud to announce that the eighth issue of Freedom and Communism, the International Marxist Tendency’s theoretical journal in the Arabic language, is out now. This edition contains a range of articles on various subjects, including current events in the Middle East, the fight against postmodernism, and the legacy of the Paris Commune. Click here to read the full issue. We publish the editorial below, translated into English.

Between 24 and 27 July, more than 2,800 Marxists from over 50 countries around the world gathered online for the World Congress of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT). This congress had originally been scheduled to take place in 2020, but was cut across by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year May Day has been marked amidst the spiralling barbarism caused by the ruling class’ handling of the pandemic and the crisis of capitalism. A massive, subterranean build–up of anger has taken place worldwide, yet the reformist workers’ leaders in many countries used the pandemic as an excuse to call off May Day rallies. Indeed, many of the same leaders have used the pandemic to champion ‘national unity’ and hold back the workers’ struggles throughout the last year. Nevertheless, wherever it was possible to do so, comrades of the International Marxist Tendency participated in May Day protests worldwide.

The 2021 Montreal Marxist Winter School was truly an unprecedented event. More than 1,150 people registered to participate in the school, which had ten presentations over three days, making this by far the largest Canadian Marxist meeting in recent memory. With big class battles on the horizon, the forces of Marxism are growing in preparation. 

The political, economic and social crisis triggered by the pandemic has affected all countries across the globe. It is yet another nail in the coffin of the old order, which is being questioned by the masses everywhere. In this context, we are calling on our comrades and supporters to donate generously and help us build the forces of Marxism! Join us in the fight!