In Memory of Della Clyne

With a deep sense of sadness we learned of the death of Della Clyne following a short struggle with cancer. Although she was not known to many comrades, Della was a very remarkable woman with a passionate nature and an open and inquiring mind. She was not young in years but she seemed to be eternally young in spirit and possessed a tremendous and infectious enthusiasm that communicated itself to everyone near her.

Della joined the Labour League of Youth as a young woman and always had a lively interest in politics and a very progressive and humanitarian disposition. But it was only in the last few years that she developed an interest in Marxism, which opened up new and exciting horizons for her.

Della was an enthusiastic subscriber to and was firmly convinced of the correctness of our ideas. She was particularly enthusiastic about our work in Pakistan, and visited the comrades there shortly after the victory of the Pakistan Marxists in the elections when comrade Manzoor Ahmed was elected to the National Assembly.

Della was immensely popular with the comrades in Pakistan and she returned their affection by her unstinting support for The Struggle organization. She was personally responsible for publishing the English edition of Lal Khan’s splendid book Partition – Can it be Undone? She was a perfectionist in all things, and she was still working on improvements on the book right up till the moment when her illness prevented her from continuing.

Della assiduously followed our website and was always full of praise for it and for our work in general. Even when she was seriously ill in hospital one month ago, she expressed her firm determination to go to the world Marxist school in Spain next year.

Unfortunately, she will not be able to be present at that event. But she will always be present in the hearts and minds of all of us who knew her. She will be sorely missed.

Our deepest condolences go to Jonathan, Lena and the children, and to all her family.