
Workers at PT Timur Selatan, a wood processing company, that produces furniture and wood products, have occupied their factory in response to the bosses’ decision to close it down. The workers need your help to keep their struggle going

The myth encouraged by the mainstream media is that the Islamic fundamentalist forces operating on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan are enemies of "western culture". This interesting article from Pakistan highlights the fact that these forces are not in contradiction with capitalism, but are seen as a useful tool in combating any genuine struggle of the oppressed and downtrodden masses.

We received this interesting letter which gives an insight into the situation that has emerged in Vietnam since it adopted so-called “market reforms”, with extremes of poverty side by side with immense wealth.

The Unemployed Youth Movement (BNT) of Sindh, in Pakistan, recently held a meeting to elect and present its Executive leading body, highlighting the plight of unemployed youth in the country.

The PTUDC in Karachi met recently, electing an executive body with representatives in key industries and workplaces, and also passed a resolution. We also provide photos of the event

Under the title "Left awaits return of the 1968-69 ‘revolution'" the Dawn newspaper in Pakistan published this review. Although it questions the optimism of both Lal Khan and Alan Woods and their confidence that a new 1968-69 is being prepared in Pakistan, the author does give an honest appraisal of the content of the book.

Last week Indonesian police brutally attacked peasants defending their land rights, even using napalm bombs to destroy their homes, leading to the death of one child and leaving many injured. We issue this Solidarity Statement with the People of Suluk Bongkal Village and call on others to do the same.

The Permanent Revolution by Leon Trotsky is one of the most important Marxist books of the last century. The International Marxist Tendency is producing an Indonesian edition of this book, scheduled to be published in January. We publish here the introduction written by Alan Woods.

The idea that China could somehow escape the effects of the worldwide crisis of capitalism - i.e. decoupling ‑ was an illusion that some leaders in China had fostered. Now we see how the integration of the Chinese economy into the world market brings with it all the contradictions of capitalism, first among them recession and growing unemployment.

We have received a request for solidarity from activists in Malaysia involved in a protest bike ride and who have faced constant police harassment. We call on our readers to express support and take part in the protest aimed at the Malaysian authorities.

Last week the world was stunned by the bloody scenes of carnage in the aftermath of the terrorist onslaught across Mumbai (formerly Bombay). The attack, which began late Wednesday night extended over ten different sites in India's financial capital. It struck Mumbai's two best-known luxury hotels and other landmarks in the city of 18 million.

On Saturday, November 29, 2008 a huge procession of the Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation (JKNSF) marched from Committee Square to the Rawalpindi Press Club, at the historic Liaquat Bagh, where a large public meeting was held, in which over 4,000 students from all over the country attended.

We have received this article from Malaysia about the campaign against the Internal Security Act 1960. The repressive Act is based on legislation introduced by the British imperialists in their struggle against communist insurgency, but 51 years after independence it is still being used by the Malaysian government. The struggle for democratic rights is part of the struggle for socialism and we appeal to all In Defence of Marxism readers to support the campaign.

The Nepalese Maoist leaders, having dissolved their rebel army and entered parliamentary politics, are justifying their position with the idea that what faces the Nepalese masses is the bourgeois democratic revolution. This is encapsulated in the idea of the alliance of two classes, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In reality power remains in the hands of the bourgeois who exploit the authority of the former guerrilla leaders to hold the masses back from going the whole way.