Stop Fascist Aggression in Vitoria (Gasteiz) in the Basque Country!

In the recent period the Spanish School Student Union and the Frederick Engels Foundation in Vitoria (Gasteiz), in the Basque Country, have become the victims of fascist harassment. UGT activists have been physically attacked and hospitalised. Before something serious happens, these fascist thugs and their backers in the state, must be made aware that workers and youth around the world have their eyes on what is going on. Stop the fascists now!

Stop Fascist Aggression in Vitoria (Gasteiz) in the Basque Country!Two new fascist attacks have been reported to the police in Vitoria in the Basque Country. The first attack took place on December 12 at 10:15am in front of the headquarters of the UGT, in the Metalworkers' Federation, when UGT union members, with thirty years experience, attempted to seek refuge from the aggression of an individual of around 30 years of age who had attacked them on the streets as they put up posters. The man was able to gain access to UGT headquarters, with the passivity and then collaboration of the security guard, José Víñas who worked for the security company, Vinsa. He was equally aggressive with the two union members for putting up posters with his photo (Víñas is a known fascist who met regularly with a group of fascists at the UGT headquarters. One fascist was able to gain access to the UGT headquarters and provoke a problem).


The aggressor was able to carry out his attack on one of the union members, hitting him repeatedly on the head and the knees with the help of the security guard, who had already been banned from the UGT premises (for previous activities).

The UGT member who had been attacked was taken to the emergency department at Santiago Hospital to be treated for his injuries. He suffered head and knee contusions. He was then taken to the police to give a statement. Towards the end of the afternoon the two UGT members were able to get in touch with Eloy Pedro de Ojos Lorenzo, who is in charge of security for the UGT in the Basque Country. He informed the two trade unionists that he was in a meeting with the head of security for Vinsa, and informed them that José Viñas would be immediately banned from all activity at the UGT headquarters in order to satisfy the demands of all union members. He confirmed that it had taken the state security forces weeks to find out whether Viñas was a member of a fascist gang. Once they had irrefutable proof of this they took the measures against him that everyone had hoped would have been taken earlier.


The two members who were attacked have called attention to the fact that the UGT branches have neglected them and their problems. The representatives of the regional union and the local branch, far from supporting their members who had been attacked, unbelievably supported their attacker. The two members who were attacked have now announced their intention to file a complaint with the union for failing in their responsibilities of protecting the personal safety of UGT members at their local offices.

The second attack took place today (December 13) at 10:00am at the offices of the Frederick Engels Foundation, where for the sixth time in a row since September, a fascist has violently entered the premises, throwing posters around and shouting.ImageLater two members of the Foundation and of the Students' Union, present at the time of the attack, were threatened when they called the police on their mobile to explain the situation and identify the aggressor. The extremely violent attitude of this individual forced them to seek refuge in a local bar until the police arrived to take a statement.

It is important to point out that the former UGT security guard, José Viñas, arrived along with others to protect the fascist attacker, which confirms for the nth time the existence of a Nazi cell in the city, which is well-known to left-wing activists who have been threatened and attacked several times and is well-known to the police.

ImageBefore a much more serious attacks happens, which is clearly possible, the organisations that form the Anti-Fascist Platform of Vitoria-Gasteiz, have asked the Department of the Interior of the Basque Government to intervene directly. The local government of Álava has also been asked to disband this fascist gang which is attempting to intimidate progressive and left-wing organisations in our city. These governments will be held responsible, if they neglect their duties, for any consequences of this wave of fascist attacks.

Finally, we call upon all workers and youth in Vitoria-Gasteiz to take part in the rally against fascism on December 14 at 7:00pm at C/San Antonio in front of the premises where one of the attacks occurred.

Below we are providing a model letter in Spanish that runs through the recent events and demanding that action be taken to stop the fascist gangs from acting with impunity.

Model letter - in Spanish - that can be signed and sent to the addresses provided below

Basta de agresiones fascistas en Vitoria

A la atención de:

- Viceconsejería de interior del Gobierno Vasco
Miguel Ignacio Legarda Uriarte
Fax 945173435



Paulino Luesma Correas

Fax: 945 95 91 20




Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba

Fax 91 5371003


1.- Desde el pasado mes de septiembre la sede de la Fundación Federico Engels y del Sindicato de Estudiantes en Vitoria ha sido objeto de continuas pintadas nazis perpetradas por una banda fascista organizada y que actúa desde hace tiempo en la ciudad. Este grupo esta integrado por individuos muy conocidos en los ambientes de gimnasio y de las empresas de seguridad. Uno de ellos, José Viñas, ha trabajado como guardia de seguridad en la sede de la UGT, prestando servicios como empleado de la empresa de seguridad VINSA. Se da la circunstancia de que la sede de la UGT y la de la Fundación Federico Engels y del Sindicato de Estudiantes se encuentran en aceras opuestas en la misma calle. Amparándose en este "trabajo", el mencionado fascista José Viñas ha recibido durante estos meses, en horario laboral y en la misma sede de UGT la visita continua de otros fascistas.


2.- Las pintadas amenazantes con simbología nazi fueron una primera fase en la agresión. El 24 de noviembre uno de estos individuos que mantiene relaciones con José Viñas entró en el interior de la sede de la Fundación y del Sindicato de Estudiantes en actitud provocadora declarándose fascista. El 12 de diciembre se dio un paso más. Dentro de la sede de UGT, otro fascista, acompañado por el mencionado guardia de seguridad José Viñas, agredió a un militante de la UGT y socio de la Fundación Federico Engels en la sala del sindicato del metal provocándole lesiones en cráneo y rodilla derecha. Al día siguiente de estos graves sucesos fue cesado el guarda de seguridad José Viñas de su actividad en la sede ugetista después de que un informe de los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad del Estado confirmasen al responsable de seguridad de la UGT de Euskadi Eloy Pedro de los Ojos que el citado individuo pertenecía a banda fascista tal como venía denunciando afiliados a la UGT, la Fundación Engels y el Sindicato de Estudiantes desde hacia meses.

3.- El 13 de diciembre, el mencionado fascista José Viñas y otros integrantes de su banda volvieron a proferir amenazas e insultos contra militantes de la Fundación, del Sindicato de Estudiantes y de la UGT. Estas agresiones han sido denunciadas ante el conjunto de la población y del movimiento obrero de Vitoria por parte de la Plataforma Antifascista que agrupa a numerosos sindicatos obreros, organizaciones políticas de la izquierda y entidades ciudadanas.

4.- Las agresiones perpetradas también han sido denunciadas puntualmente a la Ertzainzta y a los responsables de seguridad del gobierno vasco. Sin embargo hasta el momento no se ha practicado ninguna detención y los fascistas siguen actuando con total impunidad ante la pasividad de los responsables policiales del gobierno vasco y de la delegación del gobierno central. ¿Hasta cuando se mantendrá esta situación? Obviamente si en los próximos días hay una agresión más, los responsables políticos y policiales del gobierno vasco y central tendrán que asumir su responsabilidad por no haber actuado contra estos elementos de sobra conocidos por ellos y que han sido denunciados en numerosas ocasiones.

Por tanto, los abajo firmantes exigimos:

  • Basta de impunidad para las bandas fascistas
  • Basta de pasividad de las autoridades policiales y de seguridad del gobierno vasco con estos matones fascistas
  • Disolución inmediata de estas bandas paramilitares que son una amenaza a los derechos democráticos
  • Juicio y castigo a sus integrantes.