The mysterious sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines has all the elements of a Hollywood crime drama: conspiracy, cover-up – and betrayal. A new series of revelations from the German police, published in the American press, purport to blow the case wide open. But when it comes to the Ukraine War, where lies have played an enormous role, we can accept nothing at face value.
On the morning of Thursday 22 August, upon learning that parliament planned to change an election law to the benefit of President Jokowi’s youngest son, tens of thousands of youths took to the streets and stormed parliament.
As the 2024 election heads into its final stretch, the newly founded Revolutionary Communists of America has launched a coast-to-coast campaign to counter the cynical cesspool of bourgeois politics by injecting a much needed class-struggle perspective.
Between 9 and 12 August, the Revolutionary Communist Party in Pakistan organised their first country-wide three-day ‘Communist School’ in Rawalakot, ‘Azad’ (‘free’) Kashmir, with 350 students, workers, farmers and youth attending.
Marx explained that every social system is subject to its own laws: objective dynamics, forces, and pressures that govern its motion and development. In this article, Adam Booth examines the early decades of the Soviet Union, in order to provide a concrete understanding of the economic laws which imposed themselves on the young workers’ state, and to arm a new generation with the lessons required to carry out the successful struggle for communism.
Since Kamala Harris entered the 2024 presidential race, the media has highlighted the alleged differences between her and Joe Biden’s rhetoric around Gaza, speculating about how she might differ from her current boss when it comes to the war on Gaza. They have noted a more “empathetic” tone toward Palestinians and a more “forceful” tone toward Israel.
Mientras las elecciones de 2024 se dirigen a su recta final, el recién fundadoComunistas Revolucionarios de América (RCA) han lanzado una campaña alrededor del país para contrarrestar el cínico pozo negro de la política burguesa al inyectar una perspectiva de lucha de clases muy necesaria.
Il capitalismo è un sistema malato che ha esaurito la sua utilità molto tempo fa. Nell’epoca del suo declino senile genera guerra, razzismo, povertà e fame. L’imperialismo, la fase suprema del capitalismo, è caratterizzato dalla lotta tra diverse bande di rapinatori capitalisti, volta alla spartizione del bottino. Oggi, mentre tale bottino diviene più magro sotto l’impatto della crisi del capitalismo, la loro lotta si intensifica e assistiamo a una nuova corsa verso il militarismo e la guerra.
הקפיטליזם זוהי מערכת חולה שמזמן עברה את התועלת שלה. בעידן הדעיכה הסנילית שלה, היא מייצרת מלחמה, גזענות, עוני ורעב. האימפריאליזם, השלב הגבוה ביותר של הקפיטליזם, מאופיין במאבק בין כנופיות שונות של שודדים קפיטליסטים על חלוקת השלל. היום, כשהשלל מצטמצם תחת השפעת המשבר של הקפיטליזם, מאבקם מתגבר, ואנו עדים להתגברות חדשה של מיליטריזם ומלחמה.
El derrocamiento revolucionario del régimen de Hasina, provocado por los estudiantes y sus valientes protestas, ha abierto las puertas a una nueva oleada de lucha de clases en Bangladesh. ¡La revolución avanza!
Bir hafta önce devrimci dalgaların Şeyh Hasina'yı süpürüp götürmesinden bu yana, öğrencilerin başını çektiği kitleler harekete geçmeye devam ediyor. Komiteler ülke genelinde - özellikle ama sadece öğrenciler arasında değil - genişliyor. Pek çok yerde devletin işlevlerini yerinden ettiler. Egemen sınıf havada asılı kalmış durumda. Bir tür ikili iktidar var. Ancak devrim şimdi yeni tehlikelerle karşı karşıya - sadece devrik Awami Ligi'nin devam eden komploları değil, aynı zamanda gidişatın yönü konusunda kafa karışıklığı.