Revolutions are crises of the whole of society, in which none of its classes can go on living in the old way. Something must give and a crisis erupts. But revolutions are far from simple. They have ebbs and flows, and new crises within them. Six months into the Russian Revolution of 1917, and a new crisis was impending. How to cut through the Gordian Knot? This was the question to which Lenin turned his attention in The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It.
With days to go before the presidential elections in Venezuela, the atmosphere is tense but relatively calm. These are far from normal elections. They are fraught with doubts and risks. Uncertainty is only increasing as the hours go by. The prevailing calm awaits the coming of a storm.
Na semana passada, uma luta de Davi contra Golias eclodiu na Samsung, o maior Chaebol (conglomerado) da Coreia, onde os trabalhadores iniciaram a primeira greve por tempo indeterminado na história da empresa.
L’articolo che pubblichiamo di seguito descrive in maniera molto efficace l’esplosione del movimento degli studenti in Bangladesh e sviluppa le rivendicazioni necessarie per il suo successo.
I början av juli bröt en David-mot-Goliat-kamp ut på Samsung, det största konglomeratet i Sydkorea, där arbetarna inledde den första obegränsade strejken i företagets historia.