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Editor's picks 2022: our best revolutionary news, theory and analysis!

Editor's picks 2022: our best revolutionary news, theory and analysis!

Friday, 23 December 2022 


Editor's picks 2022: our best revolutionary news, theory and analysis!

In 2022, the world was rocked by war and revolution, while inflation has upended global capitalism. Nothing will ever be the same again. At each dramatic turn, has provided sharp, timely analysis, whilst continuing to bring you the in-depth theory revolutionaries need to be armed with in this tumultuous new period. To end the year, we’ve compiled some of the most popular reads of the past year, in case you missed any gems!


Peru: farce of early election solves nothing

The mountain has laboured and brought forth a mouse. Yesterday, the Peruvian Congress once again considered the question of an early election, which it had rejected last Friday. When Dina Boluarte illegitimately took over from president Castillo, she announced she would stay in office until 2026. That has become untenable. Clearly a section of the ruling class in Peru understands that it must reform the political system in order to try to quell the huge wave of indignation raised by the congressional coup against President Castillo on 7 December.


Perú: farsa de adelanto electoral no resuelve nada

La montaña parió un ratón. Ayer el congreso peruano volvió a considerar la cuestión del adelanto electoral. A todas luces un sector de la clase dominante en Perú entiende que debe reformar el sistema político para tratar de aplacar la enorme ola de indignación que levantó el golpe congresual contra el presidente Castillo el 7 de diciembre.

Perù: la farsa delle elezioni anticipate non risolve nulla

La montagna ha partorito un topolino. Ieri il Congresso peruviano è tornato a prendere in considerazione la questione delle elezioni anticipate, opzione che aveva respinto venerdì scorso. Quando Dina Boluarte ha preso illegittimamente il posto del presidente Castillo, ha annunciato che sarebbe rimasta in carica fino al 2026, ma ora ciò è diventato insostenibile. È evidente che una parte della classe dominante peruviana ha capito che deve riformare il sistema politico per cercare di placare l’enorme ondata di indignazione scatenata dal golpe parlamentare contro il presidente Castillo il 7 dicembre.