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Pakistan: political crisis and ruling class infighting reach unprecedented levels

Pakistan: political crisis and ruling class infighting reach unprecedented levels

Tuesday, 15 November 2022 


Pakistan: political crisis and ruling class infighting reach unprecedented levels

The crisis of the capitalist system in Pakistan is reaching unprecedented levels, reflecting the fact that it is one of the weakest links in the chain of world capitalism. Alongside the political and economic crises, the crisis of the state is unravelling to a degree never seen before, leading the whole society into an abyss of misery and wretchedness.


Spain: hundreds of thousands hit the streets of Madrid in defence of public health and against the Ayuso government!

On Sunday 13 November, hundreds of thousands of people flooded the streets of Madrid against the criminal health policy of Isabel Díaz Ayuso's right-wing Community of Madrid Government, and in defence of public health. Ayuso, whose colossal arrogance is equivalent to her ignorance and idiocy, is beginning to see her popular support undermined, even among the middle-class elements that formerly supported her. What is needed is a final push to bring her down.


El Doctor Doom predice "días oscuros" para el capitalismo

Nouriel Roubini es un economista burgués interesante y poco ortodoxo. Su fama se debe principalmente a que predijo correctamente la crisis financiera de 2008, una hazaña que no le hizo gracia a la mayoría de los demás economistas, que no predijeron absolutamente nada.

Il rialzo dei tassi di interesse: una ricetta per la recessione mondiale

Negli ultimi mesi, abbiamo visto le banche centrali attivarsi per alzare i tassi di interesse al fine di controllare l’inflazione. Ieri [Ndt, l’articolo originale è stato pubblicato il 3 novembre], la Federal Reserve ha introdotto un aumento ulteriore di 0,75 punti percentuali, e la Bank of England la seguirà oggi. Questa ondata di aumenti dei tassi d’interesse ha causato il moltiplicarsi dei tassi sui mutui, e una crescita a spirale dei tassi sui debiti statali, e adesso una recessione è alle porte. Questo provocherà grandi difficoltà alla gente comune, ma riuscirà la classe dominante a raggiungere i suoi obiettivi?

ایران: ملّا حکومت کا تختہ الٹنے کی جانب بڑھو! سوشلسٹ انقلاب کی جانب بڑھو!

مندرجہ ذیل لیف لیٹ، عالمی مارکسی رجحان کی جانب سے، ایرانی نوجوانوں کی انقلابی تحریک کے ساتھ اظہارِ یکجہتی کے طور پر منعقد ہونے والے مظاہروں اور تقریبات کے اندر تقسیم کرنے کے لیے جاری کیا گیا ہے۔ اس میں ہمارا موقف پیش کیا گیا ہے کہ کیسے اس متاثر کُن تحریک کو آگے بڑھنا چاہیے۔ ملّا حکومت مردہ باد! سامراجیت مردہ باد! سرمایہ داری مردہ باد!