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Them and us: housing crisis for the billions – luxury mansions for the billionaires

Them and us: housing crisis for the billions – luxury mansions for the billionaires

Monday, 10 October 2022 


Them and us: housing crisis for the billions – luxury mansions for the billionaires

Brenda West, a 69-year-old retired widow, lost her home in Myakka City, Florida, to Hurricane Ian. She cares full time for her daughter, who has multiple sclerosis. Now, if she wants somewhere to live long term, she will have to contend with soaring rents and unattainable mortgages: symptoms of the global cost-of-living crisis. After a short stay in a run-down Bradenton motel, Brenda says: “I don't know where I'm going. My resources [are] about to run out.”


‘Ireland: Republicanism and Revolution’ has arrived: get your copy today!

We are delighted to announce the arrival of Ireland: Republicanism and Revolution by Alan Woods, newly republished and available to purchase today from Wellred Books! This is an essential read for all revolutionaries eager to learn about how British imperialism can be buried in Ireland, its oldest colony.


Enemigos por todas partes: Zelensky usa la guerra para atacar los derechos de los trabajadores

En medio de la ruina de la vida de millones de ucranianos como consecuencia de la invasión rusa, el parlamento ucraniano ha estado impulsando los recortes más duros a los derechos de los trabajadores en la historia del país.

Italiensk valg: Hvorfor vandt højrefløjen, og hvad betyder det?

Søndag den 25. september blev det, der beskrives som den “mest højreorienterede” regering siden Anden Verdenskrig, valgt i Italien. Fratelli d’Italia [Italiens brødre], ledt af Giorgia Meloni, blev det største parti, med 26 procent af de afgivne stemmer. Hvordan forklarer man denne stigning i opbakning til et parti, der i 2018 kun fik 4,3 procent af stemmerne og kun havde 32 parlamentsmedlemmer og 18 senatorer?