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Iran: the need for a revolutionary programme

Iran: the need for a revolutionary programme

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 


Iran: the need for a revolutionary programme

The movement against the Iranian regime continues on the streets, despite heavy-handed repression by regime forces. Having spread to more than 140 cities, towns and villages across the country, what started as a protest against the killing of a young Kurdish woman has turned to a powerful revolutionary movement of the youth against the regime as a whole. The question remains however, where does the movement go from here?


Jamaican independence: 60 years on

On 6 August 2022, Jamaicans celebrated 60 years of formal national independence from British rule. The parasitic Jamaican ruling class attempted to use the pomp, ceremony and spirit of national fervour to distract from worsening economic and social crises. But the fact is that the tasks of Jamaica’s independence struggle have not been completed.


La monarquía británica: el carnaval ha terminado

Los italianos tienen una frase para esto: È Finita la Commedia - la comedia ha terminado. Tras 10 días de "luto nacional" impuesto oficialmente, el lunes 19 de septiembre se celebró en la Abadía de Westminster -la histórica iglesia donde se coronan los reyes y reinas de Gran Bretaña- el funeral de Estado de la reina Isabel.

Marksizm ve Doğrudan Eylem

Son zamanlardaki anti-kapitalist gösteriler, doğa tahribatını, ırkçılığı, üçüncü dünyanın sömürülmesini protesto eden birçok farklı grubu ve dünyanın genel durumundan rahatsız olan birçok sıradan genci bir araya getirdi. Herkesin mutlu olduğu ve kapitalist sistemin mümkün olan tek toplum biçimi olarak kabul edildiği efsanesini kesinlikle paramparça ettiler.

Украина: Коммунистическая Партия запрещена лицемерным правительством Зеленского!

В начале июля украинские суды постановили закрыть Коммунистическую партию Украины (КПУ) и арестовали её активы. Антидемократическая атака является частью скандальной кампании по подавлению политического инакомыслия и запятнанию образа «коммунизма», связывая его с российским империализмом.