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NATO Summit: China in the crosshairs

NATO Summit: China in the crosshairs

Friday, 8 July 2022 

NATO Summit: China in the crosshairs

The NATO Summit in Madrid on 28-30 June took place against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. For all the talk about “unity”, the reality is that there is a deep rift between the US and the German-France axis. For the first time, the new NATO Strategic Concept document describes China as a “systemic challenge.” This is an official recognition of the relative decline of US imperialism and the threat posed by a rising power.

Sisi says “let them eat leaves” as food crisis sharpens class lines in Egypt

The war in Ukraine, rising oil prices and spiralling global inflation have fuelled food scarcity and surges in the price of basic goods in Egypt. Most worrying among the goods affected is bread, which makes up almost 40 percent of the average Egyptian’s diet. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has suggested that poor people survive by eating leaves. The absurd and callous response of the ruling class to the food crisis reflects the dead-end of the capitalist system, and places class struggle firmly on the order of the day.

Myanmar: industrial women workers are fighting back – revive the labour movement!

Yesterday in Myanmar, we saw a spontaneous outbreak of industrial workers’ protest against wage cuts, worsening conditions in the workplace and the intensification of work at the A Dream of Kind (ADK) garment factory in Mingalardon township, Yangon. Around 2,000 women workers are demanding labour rights, guarantee of sick leave, casual leave, social welfare, and a wage increase. 

США: “Роу против Уэйда” отменен — готовимся к битве!

Сегодня Верховный суд США отменил так называемый закон «Роу против Уэйда», который с 1973 года защищал конституционное право женщины на аборт. Ожидается, что в ближайшее время десятки штатов анонсируют меры, направленные на запрет или ограничение абортов.

Massacre à la frontière espagnole de Melilla : le gouvernement et la bourgeoisie espagnols sont responsables

Aux premières heures du vendredi 24 juin, des centaines de migrants ont tenté de traverser la frontière entre le Maroc et l’Espagne à Melilla. Ils ont été victimes d’une répression féroce de la part de la police espagnole et de la gendarmerie marocaine. A l’heure où nous écrivons, le bilan de cette tragique journée est, selon les ONG locales, de 37 morts et 76 blessés dont 13 graves. Cette catastrophe s’est produite à peine quelques mois après la signature d’un traité entre le gouvernement espagnol et la dictature marocaine.

Gli ultimi giorni di Boris Johnson: cacciamo i Tories! Abbattiamo il capitalismo!

Il governo di Johnson sta implodendo, con le dimissioni di due membri importanti del suo gabinetto la scorsa notte. Chiunque finisca al numero 10 ( di Downing Street, residenza del Primo ministro, ndt), tuttavia, si troverà di fronte a una tempesta perfetta di stagflazione e lotta. Noi diciamo: Cacciamoli tutti, loro e il loro sistema marcio!

[VIDEO] Los motivos reales de la dimisión de Boris Johnson

El editor de América Socialista ( Jorge Martín participó ayer en varios programas televisivos para explicar los auténticos motivos de la dimisión del primer ministro británico Boris Johnson, tanto los motivos inmediatos de los ministros que exigieron su renuncia, como los planes de un sector importante de la clase dominante británica.