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Western imperialism turns to pessimism in Ukraine

Western imperialism turns to pessimism in Ukraine

Monday, 13 June 2022 

Western imperialism turns to pessimism in Ukraine

It is now over 100 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. There is no end in sight to the war. The gung ho statements of the West following Russia’s withdrawal from the areas it had occupied around Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv, have turned into more pessimistic appraisals. Russian forces, through superior artillery, have been advancing in the Donbas, slowly, but relentlessly. Ukrainian losses are mounting. Russia has maintained its income from oil and gas, despite the West’s sanctions, the knock-on effects of which threaten to push the world economy into a new and damaging recession.

Bangladesh: container depot disaster kills dozens and injures hundreds

On Saturday 4 June 2022, a fire followed by a large explosion occurred at the Dutch-Bangladeshi-owned BM Inland Container Depot in the Chittagong district of Bangladesh, killing at least 49 people and injuring around 300 others. As details emerge of how this tragedy occurred, it is becoming clear that this was another case of workers dying for bosses’ profit.

China versus the United States in the Pacific – what does it mean for humanity?

While a lot of attention is being dedicated to the war in Ukraine, an equally important conflict is developing in the Pacific, and it is about who is to dominate this key region: the United States or China? In fact, the main pivot of US foreign policy is against the growing influence of China.

Britain: Paul Mason – from class collaborator to outright renegade

The US blog, Grayzone, has published what it claims are leaked emails showing British journalist and ex-left Paul Mason discussing plans to involve the state to silence anti-war, anti-NATO media outlets. Mason has neither denied nor confirmed the veracity of these emails (although he has claimed they “may be altered or faked”).

German Marxists' congress 2022: enthusiasm and determination in a new epoch

This year, the national congress of Der Funke (the German section of the International Marxist Tendency) was once again able to take place in person from 26-28 May. As last year’s congress took place online due to the coronavirus pandemic, comrades were all the more motivated and excited to meet in Berlin for a lively discussion after such a long wait. The congress was a great success and marks an important step in the building of the forces of revolutionary Marxism in Germany.

Ucrania: 100 millones de libros rusos a la espera de ser prohibidos

Oleksandra Koval, directora del Instituto del Libro de Ucrania (dependiente del Ministerio de Cultura de Ucrania), afirmó que comenzarán a trabajar para retirar más de 100 millones de los llamados libros de "propaganda" de las bibliotecas públicas de Ucrania. Estos libros, que incluyen las obras de escritores y poetas de renombre mundial como Dostoievski y Pushkin, podrían acabar en centros de reciclaje de papel según el ministro de Cultura, Oleksandr Tkachenko.

Gran Bretaña: Boris sobrevive a duras penas - ¡Echémoslos a todos!

Boris Johnson se salvó por poco el lunes pasado en la moción de confianza sobre su liderazgo en el gobierno. Esto prepara el escenario para una amarga guerra civil dentro del Partido Conservador, profundizando la crisis para el establishment, y para el capitalismo británico. Explosiones revolucionarias están implícitas en la situación.

Bundeskongress 2022: Enthusiasmus und Entschlossenheit in einer neuen Epoche

Dieses Jahr fand der Bundeskongress des Funke in Deutschland vom 26. bis 28. endlich wieder in Präsenz statt. Da der Kongress 2021 aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie nur online stattfinden konnte, waren die Freude und die Motivation umso größer, sich nach langem Warten in Berlin zu treffen und angeregt zu diskutieren. Der Kongress war ein großer Erfolg und markiert einen wichtigen Schritt im Aufbau der Kräfte des revolutionären Marxismus in Deutschland.

‘Truffe e spazzatura’: il crollo delle criptovalute è solo il preludio

All’inizio del mese di maggio, i mercati sono stati scossi da uno dei più grandi crolli della storia recente. In una settimana il Nasdaq ha perso quasi il 30% e contemporaneamente la capitalizzazione di mercato delle criptovalute è scesa del 50%. Centinaia di miliardi di dollari sono stati spazzati via in soli sette giorni. Da allora, non c’è stato alcun recupero.