Alan Woods to launch Reformism or Revolution at Havana Book Fair

Alan Woods is to launch his book Reformism or Revolution at the Havana Book Fair this February. We reproduce here articles in Cuban press about the launch.

Santiago de Cuba, Feb 2 -The Marxist thinker British Alan Woods will launch his book "Reformism or Revolution" during the coming edition of Havana Book Fair, to begin on Feb.12, close friends of the author told Prensa Latina.

The book published by Federico Engels Foundation (FFE), explains the absolute validity of Marxism as opposed to the opinion trends that didn't favor it after the collapse of socialism in east Europe.

FFE has participated in the recently happened editions of Cuban main cultural event and as with books it presents pamphlets, posters, etc.

The same author will launch his book on Feb. 16 at Carlos J. Finlay Hall, in the Complex Morro-Cabaña, and once again this is a gesture of solidarity with the Revolution and the cause of the antiterrorist Cuban five imprisoned in US.

After the diffusion in Venezuela of this book, President Hugo Chavez has mentioned it and recommended this reading in several opportunities.

Source: Cuban Radio, Nuevitas' news, and Prensa Latina

A report in Spanish was also published in Granma, the official publication of the Communist Party of Cuba.

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