Marxism and #occupy: rebellion or revolution? Meetings with Alan Woods

Between May 18 and may 24 Alan Woods is touring Italy for a number of public meetings. The topic will be Marxism and the #occupy movement. [in Italian]

Here is the list of the meetings


Friday, May 18th, 6pm

Università Statale 
Via Festa del Perdono, 7 
Facoltà di lettere e filosofia


Saturday, may 19th, 4 pm

Centro sociale Buridda
Aula magna della vecchia sede della Facoltà 
di Economia e commercio
Via Bertani


Monday, May 21st, 8.30 pm
Aula III Facoltà di Lettere  
Via Zamboni, 38


Tuesday, May 22nd, 5 pm
Università La Sapienza
Edificio Enrico Fermi (nuovo ed. Di Fisica)
aula IV – secondo piano


Wednesday, May 23rd, 3.30 pm
Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, 
Facoltà di architettura, 
via Forno vecchio 36, piano terra aula S04

Why do we discuss the #occupy movement? Firstly, the USA are the economic, political and ideological core of capitalism at an international level. For decades, the USA has been described as a country without struggles and class contradictions. The fact that these contradictions are exploding now is a development of fundamental importance for the class struggle at an international level.

Secondly, these movements, which have spread across the world, raise very important issues: the role of the leadership, the question of democracy and the method of consensus, the role of the state.

All these are key issues for the struggles in Italy as well.

Then there is another fundamental question: to rebel or revolt against the capitalist system is a sign of the development of consciousness among a sector of the youth, but rebelling is not enough. What we need to challenge is the capitalist system as a whole with a revolutionary perspective.

Source: FalceMartello (Italy)

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