Italian trade unionists protest outside Iranian Consulate in Milan, Italy

On October 7th, on a day of torrential rain, a delegation of trade unionists and supporters of the Marxist tendency within Rifondazione Comunista, FalceMartello picketed the Iranian consulate in Milan, Italy to protest against the repression of the workers in Iran and to make the Iranian authorities understand clearly that "The workers in Iran are not alone!"

On October 7th, on a day of torrential rain, a delegation of trade unionists and supporters of the Marxist tendency within Rifondazione Comunista, FalceMartello picketed the Iranian consulate in Milan, Italy to protest against the repression of the workers in Iran and to make the Iranian authorities understand clearly that "The workers in Iran are not alone!"


We handed in the international appeal, signed by dozens of shop steward and Prc leaders, to the consulate officials. We also asked to speak to the Consul on this question, but we were told that that he was not available. This is markedly different from last year when we protested about the Saghez workers. The y clearly are embarrassed and do not want to be reminded about the way they treat workers in Iran.

The plan protest was one small link in the chain of our internationalist campaign to defend workers' rights in Iran. We know that the working class is under attack now so this is the right time to raise the slogan "an injury to one is an injury to all".