Iran: Mahmoud Salehi freed!

Mahmoud Salehi, who was sentenced to prison for his role in trying to organise the 2004 May Day rally in Saghez, was finally released on Sunday. But we need to carry on the struggle for the release of all trade unionists and labour activists in Iran!

According to a report received from the Mahmoud Salehi Defence Committee, and confirmed by his wife and lawyer, Mahmoud Salehi was finally released today (6 April 2008).

Mahmoud Salehi, the former leader of the Saghez Bakers' Union, was not released from prison before Norooz (New Year's Day, 20 March) despite serving the full term of his custodial sentence. In protest he went on hunger strike in Sanandaj prison (in Iranian Kurdistan). Earlier today, at 3pm local time, Salehi was release after his family and friends paid a bail of 400 million rials ($43,659) - an absolute fortune in Iran!

We take this opportunity to thank all those organisations and individuals who have been involved in the various campaigns working towards his release. Our work, however, is not finished. The court should pay back Mahmoud's bail - as his only 'crime' was organising a May Day rally in Saghez! We also need to carry on the struggle for the release of all trade unionists and labour activists in Iran!

Today Mahmoud is free. On May Day 2008 all workers should be free to celebrate May Day with their independent slogans!

Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network
Workers' Action Committee (Iran)
6 April 2008

See also: