
The shock result of the June 8th election, called by Theresa May with the intention of strengthening her position, has left the Tories without a majority and May’s political career in tatters. Like a drowning woman, she is now clutching at straws in a desperate bid to cobble together a government. The result is likely to be a deal with Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), with the leaders of both parties meeting today to discuss the terms of a Westminster alliance.

Nach dem Brexit-Schock hat Großbritannien bei den Unterhauswahlen an 8. Juni 2017 ein weiteres politisches Erdbeben erlebt. Theresa May steht vor einem Abgrund. Die durch sie ausgerufenen Neuwahlen mündeten für die Konservativen Tories in einem Desaster. Der erwartete politische Erdrutschsieg für die Tories, der in Jahrzehnte konservativer Herrschaft hätte führen sollen, hat sich als Märchen erwiesen. Stattdessen konnten wir beobachten, wie die Regierungsmehrheit der Tories von einer wiedererstarkten Labour-Partei unter Jeremy Corbyn zerstört wurde.

“As ideias do marxismo nunca foram mais relevantes. Enquanto enfrentamos a maior crise do capitalismo desde a Grande Depressão, as ideias de Marx, que desvelam as contradições insolúveis do capitalismo, oferecem o único caminho a seguir”.

Following the shock of Brexit, Britain has suffered another political earthquake. Theresa May is facing oblivion. A snap election has turned into a Tory disaster. The expected Tory landslide, which was supposed to usher in decades of Conservative rule, turned out to be a myth. Instead, we have seen the government’s majority wiped out by a resurgent Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn.

"The ideas of Marxism have never been more relevant. As we face the greatest crisis of capitalism since the Great Depression, the ideas of Marx, which reveal the insoluble contradictions of capitalism, offer the only real way forward."

On a rainy Monday evening, on the muddy banks of the Tyne, 10,000 people gathered to hear Jeremy Corbyn speak. The mood was optimistic and jubilant just three days ahead of the General Election, and a sense of the historic opportunity that lies ahead of us was not missed on the crowd.

A terrorist attack in London left seven people dead last night, after three terrorists drove a van at high speed onto pedestrians in the south side of London Bridge, and then proceeded to stab multiple people before they were killed by armed police. National campaigning for the election on June 8 has been suspended today, and there have been some calls for the election itself to be postponed. We wholeheartedly condemn this attack, which as well as killing innocents only serves to fuel racism and provide a justification for imperialist adventures and attacks on civil liberties.

If there is one thing you can be certain about in any UK election, it is that the vast majority of the press will be hostile to Labour. The likes of the Times, Daily Mail and (of course) the Sun will claim to be “fair-minded” and “considered”, etc. before announcing yet again that they are backing the Tories. The current election is no exception to this rule.

The sudden rise of Labour in the polls following the manifesto leak - and the decline in support for the Tories following a litany of PR-disasters and U-turns - has lead to panic in ruling class circles and demand for a new strategy. This new strategy is to send the smear campaign against Corbyn into overdrive, as aptly demonstrated by the Evening Standardheadline, "Tories tear into Jeremy Corbyn after Labour buoyed by polls boost".

Poucas horas depois do lançamento do manifesto Tory, a vantagem Conservadora sobre o Partido Trabalhista nas pesquisas foi reduzida à metade. Os Tories estão em crise devido ao escândalo de seu “imposto da demência”, que é um ataque direto aos idosos e enfermos, os setores mais vulneráveis da sociedade.

Zweiundzwanzig Tote und 59 Verletzte sind die Bilanz des tödlichsten Terroranschlags in Großbritannien seit den Anschlägen in London im Juli 2005. Der Angriff auf ein Popkonzert in der Manchester Arena wurde gezielt ausgeführt, als tausende Menschen, darunter viele Kinder den Veranstaltungsort um 22.35 verließen. Unter den Toten und Vermissten befinden sich zahlreiche Kinder und Jugendliche.

Veintidós personas han sido asesinadas y 59 resultaron heridas en el ataque terrorista más mortífero en suelo británico desde los atentados de Londres del 7 de julio de 2004. El ataque a un concierto-pop en el Manchester Arena, llevado a cabo por un único atacante suicida, fue deliberadamente programado para atacar a miles de personas, incluyendo muchos niños, que comenzaban a abandonar el lugar a las 22:35. Un número de niños y adolescentes ya se sabe que están entre los muertos y desaparecidos.

Pocas horas después del lanzamiento del manifiesto programático de los “Tories” para las elecciones del 8 de junio, la ventaja de los Conservadores frente al Partido Laborista se ha visto reducida a la mitad en los sondeos.

Los Conservadores están en crisis por el bombazo provocado por su propuesta del llamado  “impuesto a la demencia” (un impuesto que penaliza a los enfermos dementes), que es un ataque directo contra los mayores y los enfermos, los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad.

Twenty-two people have been killed and 59 injured in the most deadly terrorist attack on British soil since the London 7/7 bombings. The attack on a pop concert at the Manchester Arena, carried out by a lone suicide bomber, was deliberately timed to strike as thousands of people, including many children, began to leave the venue at 22:35. A number of children and teenagers are already known to be among the dead and missing.