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Communists say: capitalism is incompatible with free speech!

Communists say: capitalism is incompatible with free speech!

In Defence of Marxism

Wednesday, 1 May 2024 


Communists say: capitalism is incompatible with free speech!

Freedom of expression is supposed to be a cornerstone of democracy. All views, even the most disagreeable, must be allowed to compete in an open marketplace of ideas. Capitalism, we are told, is the only system capable of facilitating such tolerance; communism would crush dissent beneath the iron heel of conformity and the ‘party line’. Yet, as we write these words, students and academics are being beaten and arrested on dozens of campuses across capitalist America for their ‘unacceptable’ views. Communists, meanwhile, are the only ones mounting a consistent defence of free speech – from our own class perspective.


Sweden: the Revolutionary Communist Party has arrived!

On 27-28 April, 168 communists gathered to found the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP) in Stockholm. Now we are setting out to find all of Sweden's communists, who want to organise to crush capitalism.

Lenin 1904 yılında 1 Mayıs'ta

Lenin tarafından 1904 yılında kaleme alınan aşağıdaki 1 Mayıs bildirisini 1 Mayıs vesilesiyle yeniden yayınlıyoruz


El movimiento de campamentos de solidaridad con Palestina llega a Canadá

El movimiento de campamentos de solidaridad con Palestina ha llegado a Canadá. Esta escalada de la lucha es un soplo de aire fresco.


Solidaridad con los comunistas israelíes frente a la represión

El viernes 26 de abril, la policía israelí, fuertemente armada, allanó las oficinas en Nazaret del Partido Comunista de Israel (PCI), y de la coalición Hadash de la que forma parte, en vísperas de la manifestación anual, perfectamente legal, del Primero de Mayo. Esta vergonzosa violación de los derechos democráticos muestra la total hipocresía de los imperialistas que justifican su apoyo a la masacre de Israel en Gaza con referencias a que ésta es «la única democracia de Oriente Medio». Extendemos nuestra plena solidaridad a los miembros de Hadash y del PCI ante la represión del Estado sionista.